Where in the World Is Linda M. Hasselstrom?
What's Here?
Want to hear Linda discuss her books and give a reading from her work? Want to meet Linda and have her autograph your favorite book? Want to know how to have Linda give a talk or workshop for your group? Or are you just curious about what types of events a writer gets herself involved in?
looking for adventure . . .
Read on . . .
Find Linda on Facebook
Linda M. Hasselstrom's Windbreak House
This Facebook page is open to the public so you don't need to be signed up with Facebook to read it, though you would need to sign up/sign in to post any comments on the page.
How to Invite Linda to Speak to Your Group:
Here's what you want to know from Linda
-- and what Linda wants to know from you.
To read about past events:
2001 --- 2002 --- 2003 --- 2004 --- 2005
2006 --- 2007 --- 2008 --- 2009 --- 2010
2011 --- 2012 --- 2013 --- 2014 --- 2015
2016 --- 2017
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How to Invite Linda to Speak to Your Group
How to Contact Linda
Linda prefers written inquiries about her availability for talks, readings, and workshops. Please send her an e-mail or a letter through the US Post Office.
Linda M. Hasselstrom
PO Box 169
Hermosa, SD 57744
e-mail: info@windbreakhouse.com
Linda's assistant, Tamara, may call or write for additional details.
What Linda Needs to Know from You
Please let us know as much information as you can about your job proposal:
-- The name of your group and perhaps a brief description.
-- What type of appearance you are requesting (do you want Linda to give a reading, a workshop, a question-and-answer session, a book signing?)
-- The date of the appearance.
-- The approximate length of time (Do you want Linda for an all-day workshop or a one-hour reading?)
-- The location of the appearance.
-- Whether you are able to pay compensation to Linda, and if so, how much.
What Linda Can Give to Your Group
Linda offers three types of presentations:
(1) Readings.
Linda reads excerpts from her work (nonfiction and poetry), and perhaps that of other Great Plains writers, combined with comments and discussion on your selected theme. A reading by Linda is a very enjoyable performance.
(2) Talks.
Linda can discuss a variety of themes from her writing interests, and she often includes handouts and examples from her own writing.
She also enjoys speaking about the importance of our western grasslands, and how ranching is uniquely suited to the ecosystem. Linda has an entertaining grassland talk prepared, which includes excerpts from her poetry and prose as well as photos and some statistics and figures. (Linda developed this talk during the years she was a Road Scholar Lecturer.)
All Linda's performances are entertaining, but a talk, like a classroom lecture, usually provides factual information on the topic of the day as well as some readings from her work.
(3) Workshops.
Linda's workshops generally cover how to write non-fiction or poetry. To do justice to the topic, Linda prefers a workshop be arranged for a bare minimum of one day; a week is even better. If time permits, Linda can include writing practice and she can read students' work and give comments on it. Linda frequently gives out handouts which contain exercises for writing after the workshop.
Linda is able to tailor her presentations to fit a variety of audiences and age groups, whether your group consists of students, teachers, writers, or the general public.
How Much Does Linda Charge?
Linda's honorarium is $2000 per day. In addition, hosts are asked to pay mileage based on the current cost of fuel prices for Linda to drive, or supply airline tickets. Costs of lodging and meals are negotiable.
At times Linda is willing to negotiate on the amount of her fee, especially if it is for a Black Hills regional event (which includes less travel time) or if Linda is able to combine a number of jobs in one area.
Remember, Linda's fee helps compensate her not only for the time she spends speaking or teaching, but the time she spends in preparation and travel from her home in western South Dakota.
Linda also appreciates having her books offered for sale at your event, if possible, through a local bookstore. Linda can also supply her books if she is driving, but she needs assistance selling them, because it is nearly impossible to chat and autograph a book while counting change. Directly after her appearance is the best time for book sales.
What about Book Signings and Interviews?
At a traditional book signing Linda is available to meet the public and autograph copies of her book-- usually at a book store, but libraries and other venues also work. Sometimes Linda will also give some type of presentation at a scheduled time, in order to entertain and attract customers.
When Linda has a new book published she works hard to promote it, and is certainly willing to participate in book signing events and give interviews for publicity purposes. In this economy, however, book publishers have little money to help with book tour travel expenses, so Linda has to foot the bill.
When Linda travels she makes it a point to stop in at book stores, introduce herself, drop off a book list, and offer to autograph copies of books on hand.
If you would like Linda to conduct a book signing at your bookstore or other location, or if you would like to interview Linda about her work, please contact us as above.
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Events in 2018:
Besides conducting writing retreats at Windbreak House and working online with writers via Writing Conversations by eMail, Linda will be involved in many other events during the next year.
AAUW Brunch
January 6th, 2018. "Wild Women of the West" readings from the Wind Anthologies.
National Seed Swap Day at the Rapid City Library
January 27th, 2018. Brief talk on "Protecting Our Grasslands"
Black Hills Stock Show
January 31st and February 1st, 2018. Local authors book signing with Rick Mills.
Journey Museum Learning Forum
Saturday, February 3rd, 2018. Musings from Metro Hermosa -- talk and book signing with Rick Mills.
Custer County Library
Saturday, February 10th, 2018. Musings from Metro Hermosa -- talk and book signing with Rick Mills.
Hermosa Library
Friday, February 16th, 2018. Musings from Metro Hermosa -- talk and book signing with Rick Mills.
Hot Springs Public Library
Saturday, March 3rd, 2018. Musings from Metro Hermosa -- talk and book signing with Rick Mills.
Piedmont Library
Saturday, March 10th, 2018. Musings from Metro Hermosa -- talk and book signing with Rick Mills.
AAUW Brunch with Linda M. Hasselstrom
Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn -- Rapid City, South Dakota
"Wild Women of the West" readings from the Wind Anthologies.
Saturday, January 6th, 2018 -- 10 am
"Wild Women of the West" included the Farmwife with an Attitude, a few Cowmoms, and Daily Acts of Courage as Women in Pickups tussle with Weather and Baling Wire, a lot of Frustration, and Man’s Work. The audience had to Cowgirl Up, Cupcakes, and listen to women’s writing with these titles, and others, as Linda read from collections of writing by women who are Writing into the Storm.
To learn more:
Website for AAUW in Rapid City www.aauw-sd.aauw.net/branches/rapid-city-3/
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National Seed Swap Day
Rapid City Public Library -- Meeting Room B
610 Quincy Street
Rapid City, South Dakota 57701
January 27th, 2018 --- 11 am to 2 pm.
The second annual National Seed Swap Day at the library allowed people to swap seeds and learn about seeds, gardening, and the environment. Linda gave a brief talk about our forgotten treasure-- the grasslands.
11:15 AM – Cindy Reed, president Great Plains Native Plant Society – GPNPS activities
11:45 AM – Linda M. Hasselstrom, writer – Protecting our Grasslands
12:15 PM – Cathie Draine, master gardener – Using red worms in vermicomposting, sprouting seeds
To learn more:
Website for the Rapid City Public Library www.rapidcitylibrary.org
Or go to this webpage for the event
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Black Hills Stock Show "Meet the Authors"
Rushmore Plaza Civic Center Theater Lobby -- Rapid City, South Dakota
Wednesday, January 31st -- 2 to 4 pm
Thursday, February 1st -- 1 to 3 pm
Linda M. Hasselstrom and Rick Mills were on hand to sign their newest books and talk about railroads, writing, and recording your stories in a journal.
The Meet the Author events are an opportunity to meet your favorite western authors from the region. Authors participating include John Lopez, Paul Higbee, Dorothy Rosby, Dayton Hyde, and others.
To learn more:
The Black Hills Stock Show & Rodeo ran from January 26th through February 4th
Website for the Black Hills Stock Show www.blackhillsstockshow.com
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Musings from Metro Hermosa
A Discussion About Writing and the Things We Share
by Linda M. Hasselstrom and Rick Mills
You are invited to a light-hearted discussion of reading, writing, and railroading by two characters who happen to call Hermosa their home town… Linda M. Hasselstrom and Rick Mills.
Linda and Rick share some amusing, and coincidental ways that their lives have overlapped, and how life in a unique small town has shaped their writing and publishing careers.
Following the program and session for questions and discussion, they will be signing copies of their new books.
Linda and Rick will be offering this program several times in the Black Hills area:
The Journey Museum
Saturday, February 3rd (2 to 4 pm)
The Journey Museum & Learning Center
222 New York Street
Rapid City, South Dakota 57701
phone: 605-394-6923
Custer County Library
Saturday, February 10th (2 to 4 pm)
free to the public
Custer County Library
447 Crook Street -- Suite #4
Custer, South Dakota 57730
Phone: (605) 673-4803
Hermosa Library
Friday, February 16th (4 to 6 pm)
free to the public
Hermosa Library
234 Main St
Hermosa, South Dakota 57744
Phone: (605) 255–5597
Hot Springs Public Library
Saturday, March 3rd (10 am to noon)
free to the public
Hot Springs Public Library
2005 Library Drive
Hot Springs, SD 57747
phone: (605) 745-3151
Piedmont Valley Library
Saturday, March 10th (10 am to noon)
free to the public
Piedmont Valley Library
111 Second Street
Piedmont, South Dakota 57769
Phone: (605) 718-3663
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The Journey Museum & Learning Center
Rapid City, South Dakota
"South Dakota Women -- Writing through Storms"
Learning Forum -- Sunday, March 12, 2017 -- 2 pm
Linda M. Hasselstrom read from the 3 Wind Anthologies -- published writing by western women, most selections taken from South Dakota writers -- to create a conversation in prose and poetry, a song about communities of women in our state. Conflict and change are inherent in the West, and western women have weathered everything that nature, the climate, or humanity can do. Tough and tender, strong women built communities that grow and change with the years.
To learn more:
Website for the Journey Museum www.journeymuseum.org
Facebook page for the Journey Museum www.facebook.com/TheJourneyMuseum
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Road Scholar Talks
Select Thursdays from May through September, 2017
Keystone, SD
Road Scholar-- a clever tip of the hat to the Rhodes Foundation Scholarships-- is the name for the programs developed and offered by Elderhostel, Inc., the "not-for-profit world leader in lifelong learning since 1975," which now offers 5,500 educational tours in all 50 states and 150 countries. Of the hundreds of tour providers around the world, some are private companies and others are associated with colleges, museums, or churches.
Again in 2017 Linda is one of a handful of local presenters for the tour called “Mount Rushmore, Black Hills and Badlands: Vanishing Trails” (program number 13160). Seventeen week-long tours are scheduled from May to September, with 20 to 40 participants in each tour. Linda gives a picture of the ranching culture of this prairie that surrounds the Black Hills, talks about the importance of the grassland and sustainable cattle production, and reads poems and excerpts from her published work, where she’s recorded true stories and viewpoints of the men and women who live here.
Other stops for the Road Scholar participants during the week will include historic Deadwood and the Homestake Opera House, the Sanford Underground Lab (formerly Homestake gold mine), the Journey Museum in Rapid City, Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse Memorial, Custer State Park, and Badlands National Park.
For more information:
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Black Hills Bounty Folklife Festival
Dahl Arts Center -- Rapid City, South Dakota
Saturday, June 3, 2017 -- 10 am through 4 pm
Linda presented cowboy poetry at the Black Hills Bounty Folklife Festival at 1 pm.
The Festival featured artists demonstrating their traditional crafts as well as performances from musicians and dancers. Demonstrations included quilting, weaving, spinning, rug hooking, leather work, horsehair braiding, Norwegian woodcarving and rosemaling, Lakota regalia, blacksmithing, and motorcycle pin-striping. There were also performances of traditional Norwegian dance, old-time country music, Lakota hoop dancing, and cowboy poetry and stories. Too bad you missed it all.
Black Hills Bounty Folklife Festival, presented by Andrea Graham, was a project of the South Dakota Arts Council, in partnership with the Rapid City Arts Council and Arts South Dakota.
website: www.thedahl.org
Dahl Arts Center
713 7th Street
Rapid City, SD 57701
Phone: 605.394.4101
Email: contact@thedahl.org
# # #
South Dakota Festival of Books
Deadwood, South Dakota --- September 23-24, 2017
The Festival runs September 21-24, 2017. Linda will present a writing workshop, and read poetry on Saturday, September 23rd. She will participate in a panel discussion on Sunday, September 24th. She'll also be happy to talk a bit and autograph her books.
“Writing Through Seven Decades: No Matter What Happens”
Workshop -- Saturday, Sep 23 -- 9:00 to 9:45 am
Homestake Adams Research & Cultural Center
$20 ticket required. You will receive a free copy of Linda's book The Wheel of the Year ($22.95 cover price).
In the workshop Linda will focus on how to keep a journal (not a diary) that provides inspiration for your writing through all the decades of your life, through losses as well as triumphs. From her own experiences, Linda will talk about how she's kept writing through life’s emergencies like dead-end jobs, the deaths of loved ones, divorce, and depression. Because the workshop is so short-- 45 minutes-- Linda will use many handouts, allowing students to take home abundant material for further study. Students should bring their journals to class for discussion. Linda will define a journal, talk about finding "the bullseye inside the epiphany," provide pages of inspirational exercises for journal-writing, and show how to use a journal to organize your life, as well as demonstrating how to monitor your days to discover more time to write.
“Celebrating Poetry of Presence: A Reading”
Poetry Reading -- Saturday, Sep 23 -- 3:00 to 3:45 pm
With Phyllis Cole-Dai and Ruby Wilson
Deadwood Mountain Grand - Prospector Room
Linda is but one of many contributors to this beautiful collection of poems.
Read about the book here: www.poetryofpresencebook.com
or visit the Facebook page here: www.facebook.com/PoetryofPresence
“What's So Great About Grass? How Writing about the Grasslands Can Help to Protect Them”
Panel Discussion -- Sunday, Sep 24 -- 11:00 to 11:45 am
Deadwood Mountain Grand - Event Center
Due to unforeseen circumstances Dan O'Brien will not be joining Linda, so she'll have that much more time to take questions from the audience, and expound on why grasslands matter and how writing can help save the world-- and your sanity.
Purchase Books and Meet the Authors
Book Sales and Signings -- Saturday, September 23 -- 1:00 to 1:45 pm
Deadwood Mountain Grand - Event Center
See the full Festival schedule here on this page of the South Dakota Humanities website.
# # #
Mountains and Plains Independent Booksellers Association
Fall Discovery Show 2017
October 12-14, 2017
Denver, Colorado
Linda and her good friend Nancy Curtis, publisher at High Plains Press, will be attending this trade show to promote the many good books of High Plains Press, including Linda's newest book, Gathering from the Grassland.
Learn about the MPIBA here:
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Events in 2016
Custer County Historical Society
March 5, 2016. Linda gave a talk about James Clyman and the Mountain Men of the early 1800s.
Journey Museum Learning Forum
April 3, 2016. Linda and Dan O'Brien will speak about grassland issues and ranching.
Westerners International-- Black Hills Corral
April 10, 2016. Linda will give a talk about James Clyman and the Mountain Men of the early 1800s.
WyoPoets Spring Workshop
April 22-23, 2016. Linda will hold a poetry reading and conduct a workshop at this annual event.
Road Scholar (A program offered by Elderhostel, Inc.)
On many Fridays from May through September Linda will speak to visiting educational tourists about the pioneering and ranching culture of the prairie.
Hill City Area Arts Council’s Writers’ Workshop: For the Love of Words
October 7-9, 2016. Linda will join other writers to teach various workshops.
Custer County Historical Society
Talk about James Clyman and Mountain Men of the early 1800s
Saturday, March 5th -- 2:00 p.m. -- Custer County Courthouse Annex (adjacent to the Custer County Library).
Sponsored by the SD Humanities Council
Linda spoke to the Custer County Historical Society about James Clyman, a fur trapper and explorer who sewed Jedediah Smith's ear back on when a grizzly ripped it off in Hell Canyon. She also brought, for display, a trunk load of reproduction gear from her days as a buckskinner, the folks who liked to pretend it was 1830.
The talk is free and open to the public though a donation is taken at each meeting to benefit the CCHS. Note that the talk will be at the Annex Building (where the Custer Library is) not at the 1881 Courthouse Museum. Custer, South Dakota.
For more information:
Webpage for the Custer County Historical Society
# # #
"Between Grass & Sky: Buffalo, Cows, & Grasslands Preservation"
The Journey Museum & Learning Center, Rapid City, SD
Learning Forum Talk --- Sunday, April 3, 2016 --- 2 p.m.
Sponsored by the Journey Museum and the SD Humanities Council
Linda M. Hasselstrom and Dan O’Brien, both nationally-acclaimed authors who each ranch on grasslands just east of the Black Hills-- Linda with cattle and Dan with bison-- shared their writing, their experiences and their passion for environmental sustainability. After each of them spoke and showed photos of their respective ranches on the large screen in the Journey's auditorium, they answered questions from the audience and a lively discussion got going on how to preserve the grasslands in this region. Once the presentation was over, the Journey had a book sale table set up so that folks could purchase books and get them autographed.
Admission for Learning Forums is $12 for adults, $10 for seniors, $9 for students, & half-off for members (includes museum admission).
For more information:
Website for the Journey Museum www.journeymuseum.org
Facebook page for the Journey Museum www.facebook.com/TheJourneyMuseum
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Westerners International -- Black Hills Corral
Talk about James Clyman and Mountain Men of the early 1800s
Sunday, April 10 -- noon -- Pizza Ranch -- Sturgis, South Dakota
Lunch and meeting at noon, talk will start at 1 pm
Linda spoke to the Black Hills Corral of Westerners International about James Clyman, a fur trapper and explorer who sewed Jedediah Smith's ear back on when a grizzly ripped it off in Hell Canyon. She also brought, for display, a trunk-load of reproduction gear from her days as a buckskinner, including Linda's .50 caliber cap and ball rifle with powder horn, knives in beaded sheaths, deer hide clothing, a fire starter kit, and array of other reproductions of equipment such as Clyman might have used. Linda's partner, Jerry, attended the talk in order to help carry the many items, but he was able to answer so many of the technical questions about rifles and gunpowder that Linda says his presence will be mandatory if she gives this talk again.
For more information:
Westerners International, headquartered in the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum in Oklahoma City, is a group that encourages and promotes interest and research in the history of the American West. It is organized into Corrals and Posses around the world.
The Black Hills Corral, Rapid City, SD, was organized Sept 13, 1953. Approximately 41 members. Meets 2nd Sunday (March through November) at Pizza Ranch, Sturgis, SD. Sheriff: Chuck Rambow, 3110 W. Omaha Street, Rapid City, SD 57702-2343, (605) 343-2065. "Rep" Diana K. Hayes, PO Box 806, Sturgis, SD 57785, (605) 347-3007, DHayes@rushmore.com
The Black Hills Corral welcomes new members-- please come to future meetings or contact the folks listed above.
# # #
WyoPoets Spring Workshop
April 22-23, 2016
Fremont County Public Library and Holiday Inn --- Riverton, Wyoming
Friday April 22 at the Library:
6:30 to 8:30 p.m. a free reading was presented by Linda Hasselstrom and 2016 WyoPoets chapbook contributors. Books were available for signing and sale.
Saturday April 23 at the Holiday Inn:
8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. Workshop and presentation by Linda Hasselstrom.
Those who registered in advance were able to send Linda a poem for her private line-by-line comments.
Workshop Session I -- Revising Your Poetry -- 10 a.m. to 12 noon
Participants will practice revision on a poem handout, supplemented with class discussion. Additional handouts will provide writing exercises and resources. Each participant may also send one poem, postmarked or emailed by April 1, for line-by-line written commentary by Linda. Comments will be returned to you privately at the workshop. If you are willing for your poem to be discussed in class, please also bring at least 30 copies, although we cannot guarantee your poem will be used.
Workshop Session II -- Reading Your Poetry to an Audience -- 1:30 to 3:15 p.m.
Each participant will bring at least one finished poem to read or recite in class, receiving suggestions on improvement in your presentation style. Hasselstrom will discuss and demonstrate poetry performance with handouts. Questions and continued discussion of revision as time allows.
For more information:
WyoPoets is an organization for people who write poetry for publication and/or as a hobby. Although based in Wyoming, they welcome new members wherever they may live. Their mission is to provide a base for mutual help and inspiration by encouraging interest in poetry throughout the state of Wyoming. This can be achieved by writing, publishing, studying, and sharing poetry in its many forms. WyoPoets is a 501(c)(3) organization and is the Wyoming branch of the National Federation of State Poetry Societies. (NFSPS). Membership dues in WyoPoets is $20.00 per year; see their website for information on how to join.
Website for WyoPoets
Facebook page for WyoPoets
Webpage for the 2016 Spring Workshop
# # #
Road Scholar Talks
Select Fridays from May through September, 2016
Keystone, SD
Road Scholar-- a clever tip of the hat to the Rhodes Foundation Scholarships-- is the name for the programs developed and offered by Elderhostel, Inc., the "not-for-profit world leader in lifelong learning since 1975," which now offers 5,500 educational tours in all 50 states and 150 countries. Of the hundreds of tour providers around the world, some are private companies and others are associated with colleges, museums, or churches.
Again in 2016 Linda is one of a handful of local presenters for the tour called “Mount Rushmore, Black Hills and Badlands: Vanishing Trails” (program number 13160). Seventeen week-long tours are scheduled from May to September, with 20 to 40 participants in each tour. Linda gives a picture of the ranching culture of this prairie that surrounds the Black Hills by reading some excerpts from her published work, where she’s recorded true stories and viewpoints of the men and women who live here. And of course this also gives a ranch woman’s perspective, seasoned by what Linda learned from her aunt, grandmother and mother.
Other stops for the Road Scholar participants during the week will include historic Deadwood and the Homestake Opera House, the Sanford Underground Lab (formerly Homestake gold mine), the Journey Museum in Rapid City, Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse Memorial, Custer State Park, Badlands National Park, the Prairie Homestead, and a ride on the 1880 train.
For more information:
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For the Love of Words --- 2nd annual Hill City Area Arts Council’s Writers’ Workshop
October 7-9, 2016 --- Hill City, South Dakota
Registration on Friday, wrap-up on Sunday afternoon
Linda and other South Dakota writers Brian Bedard (Emeritus Professor of English at The University of South Dakota, now retired), Bernie Hunhoff (former editor of South Dakota Magazine), and Lee Ann Roripaugh (SD Poet Laureate), will conduct workshops and writing discussion for poetry, nonfiction and fiction.
Schedule highlights:
Friday, October 7th
5-7 pm -- Check-in and Opening Reception
Saturday October 8th
8:30-11:30 am -- meet with Mentors in small groups
1-4 pm -- one-on-one sessions with Mentors
6 pm -- Reception and Dinner at Carver's Cafe (Mt Rushmore)
7:30 pm -- Keynote talk by Brian Bedard
A free writing program for children on Saturday will be conducted by Valerie Janice from the SD Humanities Speaker's Bureau.
Sunday, October 9th
8:30-10 am -- meet with Mentors in small groups
10 am - 12:30 pm -- one-on-one sessions with Mentors
1 pm -- lunch at Little White Church
2 pm -- Readings by Mentors and participating writers
For complete details see www.hillcityarts.org/writers--workshop
Events in 2015
Road Scholar (A program offered by Elderhostel, Inc.)
On many Fridays from May to September Linda spoke to visiting educational tourists about the pioneering and ranching culture of the prairie.
Custer County Fair
August --- Linda was involved with this annual community event, volunteering at the booths for both the Hermosa Public Library book sale and at the Hermosa Arts and History Association's booth.
Book Signing at Mitzi's Books, Rapid City, SD
September 19th --- Linda held a book signing for her newly-released book The Wheel of the Year.
South Dakota Festival of Books
September 24th through 27th. --- Linda was kept busy at a variety of events in Deadwood, South Dakota this fall.
Hermosa Arts and History Association's Annual Storytellers Day
October 17th. --- Linda coordinated the annual fall Storytellers fundraiser for the local Hermosa Arts and History Association (HAHA). In 2015 stories were told by local veterans from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Guard and Reserves-- a WWII sailor, men who were in Vietnam and Iraq, and a guard-dog handler stationed in the US. A good crowd came for the stories, bid on a wide variety of donated auction items, and stayed for a pancake supper put on by the Hermosa Volunteer Fire Department.
And as she does each year, Linda also conducted writing retreats at Windbreak House and worked online with writers via Writing Conversations by eMail, as well as speaking to some local book groups and hosting visiting writers at Homestead House.
Road Scholar Talks
Select Fridays from May through September, 2015
Keystone, SD
Road Scholar-- a clever tip of the hat to the Rhodes Foundation Scholarships-- is the name for the programs developed and offered by Elderhostel, Inc. Linda was one of a handful of local presenters in 2015 for the tour called “Mount Rushmore, Black Hills and Badlands: Vanishing Trails” (program number 13160). Linda spoke about the ranching culture of this region by reading some excerpts from her published work, where she’s recorded true stories and viewpoints of the men and women who live here.
For more information:
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Book Signing
Mitzi's Books, Main Street Square -- Rapid City, SD
September 19th -- 1 pm to 3pm
Linda held a book signing to introduce her new book The Wheel of the Year: A Writer's Workbook.
After the event Linda posted on her Facebook page:
I was very pleased with my book-signing at Mitzi's Books in Rapid City this afternoon. I not only signed copies of the new book, THE WHEEL OF THE YEAR: A WRITER'S WORKBOOK, but Mitzi's also brought out copies of many of my other books that they generously keep in stock, and I was able to sign those too, as well as visiting with many long-time friends and new acquaintances. And I distributed a fair amount of hollyhock seed!
For more information:
See the website for Mitzi's Books
# # #
South Dakota Festival of Books
September 24th through 27th
Deadwood, South Dakota
Linda taught a writing workshop based on her new book The Wheel of the Year, shared a poetry reading with Twyla M. Hansen for their joint book Dirt Songs (their FIRST time reading together for this book even though it was published a few years ago), and participated on a panel discussion about Writing the Environment on Sunday morning at the close of the Festival. All the sessions were great fun and Linda was gratified at how well-attended they were. Linda also enjoyed the mass autograph get-togethers in the Events Center-- how wonderful to see so many people buying so many books. Linda and Twyla kept busy autographing their books and talking to all who dropped by.
For more information:
See Linda's Facebook page "Linda M. Hasselstrom's Windbreak House" at www.Facebook.com/WindbreakHouse for photos of the events on Saturday, September 26th. The page is open to the public so you don't need to be a Facebook user or "like" the page in order to view the posts.
Also see the South Dakota Humanities Council Facebook page
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Keynote Speaker at the "Seventh National Women's Memoir Conference"
Story Circle Network
April 11-13, 2014 --- Austin, Texas
Linda gave the keynote speech for the event on Friday night, April 11th, 2014. The theme of her speech explored how memoir helps a person understand her life-- Linda read some from her work and talked about how hard it can be, but how useful, to write memoir. Linda also conducted a workshop Saturday.
The Sunday lunch speaker on April 13th as Nancy Curtis, founder of High Plains Press. Nancy, of course, is Linda's good friend and co-editor of the three Wind Anthologies (Leaning into the Wind, Woven on the Wind, and Crazy Woman Creek).
The conference was held at the Wyndham Hotel, Austin, Texas. Linda and Nancy had a fun road trip to the conference, stopping along the way to visit friends and other tourist spots (the Buddy Holly museum!), and Linda enjoyed returning to the city of her birth after a lifetime away.
For more information:
The Story Circle Network is an international not-for-profit membership organization made up of women who want to document their lives and explore their personal stories through journaling, memoir, autobiography, personal essays, poetry, drama, and mixed-media.
The website for Story Circle Network is www.storycircle.org
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Road Scholar Talks
Between May and October, 2014 --- Keystone, SD
Road Scholar-- a clever tip of the hat to the Rhodes Foundation Scholarships-- is the name for the programs developed and offered by Elderhostel, Inc., the "not-for-profit world leader in lifelong learning since 1975," which now offers 5,500 educational tours in all 50 states and 150 countries. Of the hundreds of tour providers around the world, some are private companies and others are associated with colleges, museums, or churches.
This year Linda is one of a handful of local presenters for the tour called “Mount Rushmore, Black Hills and Badlands: Vanishing Trails” (program number 13160). Thirteen week-long tours are scheduled between May and October for 15 to 40 participants each tour (the week including the Custer State Park buffalo roundup will no doubt have the most signed up). The program's emphasis is the Black Hills in general: the Native American influence, the pioneering influence, gold miners, mountain carvers, geology, wildlife, parks, etc.
Linda’s presentations (approximately 90 minutes long on Friday mornings) will give a picture of the pioneering culture of this prairie that surrounds the Black Hills by reading some excerpts from her published work, where she’s recorded true stories and viewpoints of the men and women who live here. And of course this also gives a ranch woman’s perspective, seasoned by what Linda learned from her aunts and grandmothers and mother.
Other stops for the Road Scholar participants during the week will include historic Deadwood and the Homestake Opera House, the Stanford Underground Lab (formerly Homestake gold mine), the Journey Museum in Rapid City, Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse Memorial, Custer State Park, Badlands National Park, the Prairie Homestead, and the 1880 train.
For more information:
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Piedmont Valley Library Talk
6 pm --- June 19th, 2014 --- Piedmont, SD
Linda will give a presentation she is calling "A Mouthful of Mice: Critter Stories" in which she will read from her work and talk about some of her connections with wildlife on the family ranch, with particular reference to invisible birds, the owl on the fence, the hungry red-tail hawk, and the myth of placid cows. Questions will be taken from the audience and Linda will autograph books after the talk (and will have some copies for sale).
Linda will be speaking to the Library's book discussion group (The Bluestockings) but the public is welcome to attend.
For more information:
Piedmont Valley Library
111 2nd Street / P.O. Box 101
Piedmont, SD 57769
Hours: Tues 9-7; W-F 9-5; Sat 9-1
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Custer County Fair
mid-August, 2014
Linda will be involved with this annual community event: she generally takes her turn helping with the local Public Library's booksale fundraiser as well as the Hermosa Arts and History Association booth; participates in the parade; enters some flowers and vegetables to be judged; joins in with the plant swap; attends the evening "Beers and Ears" (beer, corn-on-the-cob, live music) fundraiser for the American Legion; and just wanders around the fair looking at exhibits and talking to her friends and neighbors.
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Hermosa Arts and History Association
October 4th.
Linda is coordinating this annual HAHA fall fundraiser where historical reenactments of and talks about previous community members are given by their relatives who live in the community now. A free-will offering lunch and dessert will be served.
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Women Writing the West conference
October 16-19, 2014 --- Golden, Colorado
Linda will be attending the conference for fun and fellowship this year-- though she's happy to give a presentation of some sort if invited.
For more information:
See the WWW conference information at www.womenwritingthewest.org
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Western International Corral talk
November 21st, noon --- "at the old folks home by Shopko" in Hot Springs, SD.
Linda will be speaking to this group about some aspect of western history in the Black Hills area-- perhaps she'll present her research about Lame Johnny the supposed horse thief? Better information will be posted closer to the date.
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Montage by Nancyjane Huehl, used with permission.
. . .
P3 Exhibit — Poets and Painters at the Pavilion
Washington Pavilion for the Arts & Science, Sioux Falls, SD
December 21, 2012, through March 16, 2013.
Poets and visual artists teamed up once again in 2012 for a new exhibit. This year Linda collaborated with painter Nancyjane Huehl, pairing Linda's poem Buffalo Dreaming with Nancyjane's painting "Walking Out of Summer."
Linda wrote: "When Nancyjane Huehl sent me her painting of the walking buffalo, she noted the “red earthy tone” and pink tones in the work and mentioned how she visualized her buffalo “walking through autumn. . . walking out of summer.” I adopted her phrase and the link between our works was forged. Both of us had visualized vast herds we’d never seen; every day we worked together proved a true collaboration."
A poetry reading will be held Saturday, March 16, from 3:00 to 5:00 pm, followed by a reception for artists and the public from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. The art and poems will remain on display at the Pavilion through March 16th.
Catalogs featuring all of the artwork and poetry from the exhibition are available for purchase from the Pavilion.
For more information:
The Washington Pavilion of Arts and Science -- Visual Arts Center
301 S. Main Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57104
(605) 367-7397
website for the Washington Pavilion
Learn about Linda’s 2011-2012 P3 experience and read the poem "Lost and Found" at the Poetry Page on this website.
Click here to read about Linda's P3 experience in 2010. See the painting inspired by the poem in her book No Place Like Home.
# # #
The Sisters Grimm Bookstore, Bushnell, Nebraska
2 pm -- Saturday, April 27, 2013
Reading and Workshop
Linda had to cancel her trip to eastern South Dakota and eastern Nebraska because of heavy, blowing snow, but she managed to slip down to western Nebraska for her promised reading and mini-workshop at The Sisters Grimm bookstore. A day after she arrived home, almost a foot of wet snow dumped on this area of Nebraska. What a spring!
To read about The Sisters Grimm-- a horse barn converted to a bookstore and coffee shop-- and Linda's visit, see Linda's blog on this website.
For more information:
The Sisters Grimm
1598 RD 34 N
(Corner of Maple & D Streets)
Bushnell NE 69128
Website: www.sistersgrimm.biz
FaceBook: www.facebook.com/TheSistersGrimm
# # #
Kimball Public Library, Kimbal, Nebraska
1:30 pm -- Sunday, April 28, 2013
Talk and Reading for the Friends of the Library
Linda had a good visit with the Friends of the Library on Sunday. She read from her newest book Dirt Songs and spoke about the book, with an emphasis on the women who influenced the poems, and answered questions from the group.
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StoryCatcher Writing Workshops and Writing Festival
Tuesday, May 28 through Friday, May 31, 2013
Chadron State College campus, Chadron, Nebraska
The Mari Sandoz Heritage Society hosted a four-day workshop for writers of poetry, fiction and non-fiction from May 28-May 31, 2013 on the Chadron State College campus. Writers of all levels were invited to attend and explore their creativity and gain insight from noted authors. See the website (link below) for the fee schedule.
Each workshop was led by published authors or writing professionals and sessions are open to aspiring writers of all ages (16 and up) and abilities
Two different levels of workshops were offered: Two-day morning sessions for beginning students (Fiction, Poetry and Non-Fiction Prose) and Three-day morning sessions for intermediate to advanced students (who have written documents to review.) Those workshops were Memoir Writing/Nonfiction taught by Linda Hasselstrom and Fiction taught by Pamela Carter Joern.
Linda taught an Intermediate Workshop entitled "Family History: Dancing Skeletons"
--- "If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance." –George Bernard Shaw, Immaturity ---
Students submitted up to 20 pages of writing about family or local history and Linda wrote line-by-line comments in the text of each submission. Class time focused on evaluating and revising the writing with the assumption that each student will eventually publish a collection of writings about family or local history in some form. Linda brought examples of the many ways family history can be made relevant to general readers. The class discussed memoir and autobiographical writing in general, as well as various elements of good nonfiction writing including language, sentence structure, beginnings and endings.
StoryCatcher Writers Festival --- Open to the Public
On Friday afternoon, May 31, a writers festival, open to the workshop attendees and the public, was held on at the Mari Sandoz High Plains Heritage Center in Chadron, Nebraska from 1–5 pm. The festival included readings from workshop participants, talks by authors, publishers and others associated with writing.
For more information:
or call (308) 432-6462
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"The Hippie and the Pioneer" parade entry.
Linda, as the pioneer, holds the red ribbon won for the Hermosa Arts and History Association during the Custer County Fair parade, 2013.
Custer County Fair and Associated Events
Hermosa, South Dakota
August 8 through 11, 2013
Linda was involved with this annual community event, dividing her time between volunteering at the Hermosa Library fundraiser book sale and the Hermosa Arts and History Association's educational booth. Linda also attended the dedication of a garden and walkway at the HAHA Museum, memorializing Doug Hesnard, founding president of HAHA.
Besides winning a red ribbon for the HAHA parade entry, Linda also won a ribbon or three for flower arrangements and vegetables entered in the fair.
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Poetry Out Loud competition judge
Stevens High School, Rapid City, SD -- January 24, 2012
Before the event, Linda read 5 original poems written by students and judged how prepared each poem was for state competition.
At the evening competition, Linda and three other judges listened to five students perform various pieces out loud and judged them on their performance. Linda and two others were judging for physical presence, voice and articulation, dramatic appropriateness, level of difficulty, evidence of understanding, and overall performance, while the fourth judge was strictly listening for accuracy. The winner of the school competition was eligible to attend the state competition in Sioux Falls on March 26, 2012.
For more information:
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Talk: "Crazy Woman Creek: Editing Western Anthologies"
Red Shirt School, Red Shirt, South Dakota -- January 26, 2012
Linda spoke about the Crazy Woman Creek anthology with particular emphasis on providing practical suggestions for editing, publishing and marketing a collection of writings within a smaller community. She provided handouts and allowed time for questions. The event, which also included a dinner, was well-attended by people of a wide range of ages.
This event was sponsored by the South Dakota Humanities Council.
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Talk: "Revising Your Writing"
Rapid City Public Library: North Library Branch at General Beadle Elementary School -- April 14, 2012
The event included two writer’s workshops in the morning. Poet and non-fiction writer Linda Hasselstrom shared her expertise in “Revising Your Writing.” Novelist Karen Hall, the Black Hills Writers Group President, presented, “Creating Memorable Characters.” The workshops were followed by a free lunch for the workshop attendees, a panel discussion (Linda Hasselstrom, Sandra Brannan, Valerie Janis, Susan Turnbull and Patti Rudge) with plenty of time for questions from the audience, and a book signing and selling that wound down by mid-afternoon.
Though the event was free, registration was required as there was a limit on the workshop participation due to limited space.
Sponsored by the Rapid City Public Library.
For more information:
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Q & A Session with University Students about the book No Place Like Home
Literature of the American West class taught by KD Danker
South Dakota State University -- April 15, 2012
Kathleen Danker's Literature of the American West class read Linda's book No Place Like Home. As a class assignment, 18 or so students then emailed questions to Linda about the book, which Linda answered by email.
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Talk about the book Feels Like Far
Westhills Village, Rapid City, SD -- April 30, 2012
Linda spoke to both the book club and the writers' club of residents of Westhills Village, a retirement community in Rapid City.
This event was sponsored by the South Dakota Humanities Council.
# # #
StoryCatcher Writing Workshops and Writing Festival
May 30 through June 2, 2012
Chadron State College campus, Chadron, Nebraska
The Mari Sandoz Heritage Society hosted a four-day workshop for writers of poetry, fiction and non-fiction on the Chadron State College campus. Writers of all levels were invited to attend and explore their creativity and gain insight from noted authors.
Linda Hasselstrom taught a workshop entitled "Clean as Bone, Pure as Water: Revising Your Nonfiction Writing."
The written word is to be clean as bone,
pure as water, hard as stone.
Two words are not as good as one.
-- Old Elizabethan rhyme
Students submitted up to 20 pages of nonfiction writing by May 10. Linda wrote line-line-comments in the text of each submission. Class focused on evaluating and revising essays for potential publication with emphasis on language, sentence structure, editing, beginnings and endings and abundant individualized handouts.
# # #
National Day of the Cowboy
Cowboy Poetry and Music, July 28, 2012
Linda joined the New Underwood-based Western Writers Group in presenting a few hours of entertainment in honor of National Day of the Cowboy on Saturday, July 28th. Each artist had only a short amount of time and Linda was slated to go first so if you were late you missed her.
The event at the Hackens Barn Theatre was free and open to the public, though donations were warmly accepted to benefit the High Plains Western Heritage Center in Spearfish, SD and the Tri-State Old Time Cowboys Memorial Museum in Gordon, NE.
Linda spoke to the members of the Western Writers Group earlier in the day before the whole posse headed over to the Theatre.
# # #
Equality State Book Festival
Casper, Wyoming -- September 14-15, 2012
2012 marked the 4th Equality State Book Festival, which has been held every other year since 2006.
On Friday, Linda presented a craft talk titled “What We Do With Our Days” and later in the day read from her work, attended the author reception, and signed her books which were offered for sale at various venues. On Saturday Linda moderated a publishing panel with Nancy Curtis, High Plains Press and Annette Chaudet, Pronghorn Press. Linda also participated in a nature writing panel with Cat Urbikit and Rebecca O'Connor.
For more information:
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Westerners International, Sturgis, SD -- September 20, 2012
Linda spoke to the Westerners International group at a lunch in Sturgis.
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Talk about the book Feels Like Far
Custer County Historical Society, Custer, SD -- November 5, 2012
Linda spoke to the local Historical Society about
This event was sponsored by the South Dakota Humanities Council.
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(Many thanks to Ruby for the photo!)
Events in 2011
P3 Exhibit — Poets and Painters at the Pavilion
Washington Pavilion for the Arts & Science, Sioux Falls, SD
December 3, 2010 through February 13, 2011
27 sets of poets and visual artists teamed up once again in 2010. Linda’s new poem “Lost and Found” inspired the art created by Cory Knedler, chair of the Art Department at the University of SD in Vermillion.
A poetry reading followed by a reception for artists and the public took place on December 3rd. The art and poems were on display at the Pavilion until February 13th.
Catalogs featuring all of the artwork and poetry from the exhibition are available for purchase from the Pavilion.
For more information:
website for the Washington Pavilion
To learn the significance of those scissors, read about Linda’s poem "Lost and Found" at the Poetry Page on this website.
Click here to read about Linda's P3 experience in 2009. See the painting inspired by the poem in her book No Place Like Home.
# # #
National Cowboy Poetry Gathering
Elko, Nevada -- Tuesday, January 25th through Saturday, January 29th, 2011
Linda performed about 35 different poems, read some prose and conducted a writing workshop. She also took a workshop to learn to cook Hungarian cuisine, took in a few shows, and visited with the crowds of attendees.
*** Workshop: “From Poem to Reader” with Linda Hasselstrom and Nancy Curtis --- $60
Linda Hasselstrom, as poet/writer, and Nancy Curtis, as publisher, discussed how to submit a book proposal to a publisher, what publishers expect from authors, and whether you need an agent. They demonstrated how technology enables an individual to produce a book profitably, why independent booksellers are important to poets, how to work with distributors and bookstores, and how to promote a book inexpensively.
Linda also performed poetry and read from her work at a number of events from Tuesday through Saturday.
For more information or to purchase tickets for future Gatherings:
888-880-5885 (toll-free)
775-738-7508 (in Elko or outside the USA)
website for the Western Folklife Center
# # #
Railroads in the Black Hills
A Community Education Class
Saturday, March 5th. 10am to 3pm.
SD State Railroad Museum
222 Railroad Avenue, Building A
Hill City, South Dakota
A group of interested people joined the South Dakota State Railroad Museum’s Executive Director Rick Mills for a day of learning and talking trains. The class met at the South Dakota State Railroad Museum in Hill City for a guided tour of the museum’s displays and research library. After lunch, the class met at the museum for a discussion on regional railroad history and its future, with a panel of railroad experts and local historians including Linda Hasselstrom of Hermosa and Dr. David Wolff of Spearfish.
For more information:
Career Learning Center of the Black Hills website to view the online list of classes.
South Dakota State Railroad Museum website
# # #
On The Trail of Lame Johnny
A talk for the Custer County Historical Society
Custer County Courthouse Annex (Adjacent to the Library)
447 Crook Street, Custer, South Dakota 57730
Saturday, April 2nd -- 2pm
For years, Linda Hasselstrom has been on the trail of an orphan who grew up in Philadelphia, studied the classics at an exclusive school for boys, and is famous as a horse thief, stage robber and general all around badman. During this talk the audience learned about Lame Johnny and his local connections and the mysteries of his life and death.
According to the event organizer:
An extremely brief business meeting transpires at 2:00, followed by a rather elegant coffee in which all the “historian” groupies love to visit. We often have quite prominent local historians in our audience. Linda's talk will actually begin at approximately 2:40 pm. We like to have everyone in the audience at 2:00 pm because all should become aware of the workings of this historical group.
We always meet in the Custer County Courthouse Annex’s Pine Room (adjacent to the Custer County Library).
This building is NOT the present working courthouse, and it is NOT in the 1881 Courthouse museum.
You do not need to be a member of the Historical Society to attend: we always welcome the public. Although this event is free, we pass the donation can to help pay expenses.
For more information:
Custer County 1881 Courthouse Museum website
# # #
Iowa State University annual visit
Ames, Iowa
Tuesday, April 12th through Friday, April 15th.
Linda's Talk: Wednesday April 13th -- 3;30 to 5 pm -- 212 Ross Hall.
Linda traveled to Ames, Iowa the week of April 11th to meet with MFA students and sit in on theses defenses. Linda makes this annual trip as part of her duties as affiliated faculty.
This year Linda gave a talk, read from her work, and took questions from the audience on Wednesday, April 13th.
For more information:
Contact Dr. Steve Pett
e-mail: spett@iastate.edu
phone: (515) 294-2180
See also the Iowa State University page of this website in the Books & More section.
And the Website for Iowa State University MFA in the environment.
# # #
Montana Native Plant Society
Annual Meeting
Camp Needmore near Ekalaka, Montana
Friday, June 17th through Sunday, June 19th
On Saturday, June 18th, after dinner and the general membership meeting, Linda gave a talk entitled No Place Like a Prairie Home, reading from her work, including both poetry and prose. She took questions from the audience, and then was available to sign books during the silent auction and raffle fundraisers that followed.
Linda also participated in some of the field trips and other native plant events during the weekend.
The meeting was held at Camp Needmore, an old Civilian Conservation Corps camp on the Custer National Forest.
For more information:
Website for the Montana Native Plant Society.
Website for Camp Needmore where the gang stayed.
Website for the Great Plains Native Plant Society based in Hot Springs, South Dakota.
See the page on this website about the Great Plains Garden for native plants on Linda's ranch.
# # #
Custer County Fair
Hermosa, South Dakota
Thursday, August 18th through Sunday, August 21st
Every year Linda enjoys the usual exhibits of livestock, handcrafts, food, flowers and vegetables and 4-H offerings, as well as the library booksale fundraiser and the plant exchange at this annual community event.
This year Linda-- with help from Jerry-- won a blue ribbon for a unique flower arrangement in the category of "The Yellow Brick Road."
Ding, dong, the witch is dead!
Jerry helped craft the house and the remains of the witch. Linda collected and arranged the flowers-- though they look a bit wilted in the August heat by the time this photo was taken.
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For more information:
Is Linda a fan of The Wizard of Oz? Read her answer on the featured book page for No Place Like Home on this website.
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Iowa State University field trip to South Dakota
Homestead House at Linda's ranch
Friday, September 2nd through Sunday, September 4th
A group of MFA students made their annual trip west for fun and education over the Labor Day weekend. Besides touring the Badlands and Black Hills, the group, including two faculty members, stayed at Homestead House; many of them camping out in the yard despite one exceptionally windy night and chilly temperatures. Linda spoke to the group about connecting with your local environment and lead a couple hikes-- one into the grasslands east of the ranch headquarters and one along the riparian area adjacent to Battle Creek. Students encountered sunny solitude, the cattle bone yard, garter snakes diving for minnows, and leeches in Battle Creek.
For more information:
The Iowa State University page of this website in the Books & More section includes photos of past field trips.
Website for Iowa State University MFA in the environment.
# # #
Poetry for All People
Dakota Discovery Museum
Mitchell, South Dakota
Saturday, September 17, 2011 --- 1pm to 4pm
Flavia's Place Bed and Breakfast
Mitchell, South Dakota
Saturday, September 17, 2011 --- 4:30pm to 7:30pm
The Dakota Discovery Museum hosted this regional Poetry for All People reading event on September 17th from 1 to 4pm.
Linda read poetry for about 30 minutes, followed by open mike readings by any interested poets.
This free event, open to the public, was sponsored by the South Dakota Humanities Speakers' Bureau.
Linda then got together with local poets, writers and readers that evening for a pizza party and poetry discussion workshop at Flavia's Place, a local Bed & Breakfast.
For more information:
Dakota Discovery Museum
1300 McGovern Avenue, Mitchell, SD 57301
(605) 996-2122
website for Dakota Discovery
# # #
USD Billboards
Rapid City, South Dakota -- September through December, 2011
Linda is one of several distinguished USD graduates (BA, 1965) who appears on billboards across the state promoting the University of South Dakota. Some of the other notable USD alumni immortalized this fall are Governor Daugaard and Tom Brokaw.
The photograph of Linda that USD chose to use was taken by SD photographer Greg Latza when he visited Linda's ranch last year.
Linda's billboards are located at 2530 West Main and at 5th & Kansas City Streets in Rapid City through the end of 2011.
Shortly after the billboards went up-- before Linda had even been notified by USD-- she received this note from a friend and family member who lives in Rapid City:
Driving down West Main Street, I was getting a feeling someone was watching me. It was benign-- not your hair-on-the-arms creepy type of feeling, more of a familiar (friendly?) sort of presence.
I dismissed the ethereal (agnostic that I am) and tried to make eye contact with whatever sentient beings there were on West Main. Now there's a task in discernment for you: South Dakota National Guard complex on the right and Shotgun Willie's on the left with the odd tan 'n' gamble enterprise in between.
Whoa!! Those eyes were friendly enough, but 40 feet off the ground. My eyes are not what they used to be, but . . . now I won't be able to say that I haven't seen you lately. . . . you're adding a little class to the visual street scene.
For more information:
Read about Linda's time at USD on her Bio Page of this website.
Website for University of South Dakota.
Website for Greg Latza Photography.
# # #
High Desert Journal
Issue #14, Fall 2011
Linda's poem Autochthonous was published on page 25 of this glossy, full-color literary and visual arts magazine. A definition of the word was included at the bottom of the page for those without ready access to a dictionary.
This poem also appears in Linda's newest book Dirt Songs, published by The Backwaters Press in 2011. (But without the definition of autochthonous.)
For more information:
High Desert Journal: Witness to the West "is dedicated to further understanding the people, places, and issues of the interior West" and is published twice a year.
Website for High Desert Journal
# # #
Distinguished Service in the Humanities Award
Presented by SD Humanities Council
SD Festival of the Book, Deadwood, South Dakota
Saturday, October 8, 2011 --- around 7pm?
Linda received the Distinguished Service in the Humanities Award, given by the South Dakota Humanities Council to a select few each year for their "unique spirit of service and lasting contributions to the humanities" in South Dakota.
For the rest of the story, and a photo, see Linda's Membership and Awards page of this website.
For more information:
SD Festival of Books website
SD Humanities Council website
# # #
Orion Magazine
October/November 2011 issue – page 8
The Place Where You Live
"The Place Where You Live" is a section of the magazine that allows readers to tell others about their home turf. In this short piece, Linda vividly describes a winter blizzard on her ranch near Hermosa, South Dakota: how the humans-- and their vehicles-- suffer; how the animals have adapted and learned to ride out the storm.
She says, in part:
“On this South Dakota winter day, the animals, aware of every shift in the wind, are living comfortable, normal lives. . . . Only the humans fret and fume . . . against the nature of this place.”
For more information:
Website for Orion magazine.
# # #
Senior Citizens Writing Group
Rapid City, South Dakota
November 1st, 2011.
Linda gave an informal talk to this local group at their weekly meeting. She spoke about writing exercises and revision, and answered questions. As always, Linda supplied some handouts. Bonus!
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* * * End of 2011 Events and Appearances * * *
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2010 Past Events
Senior Citizens Writing Group, Rapid City, SD. January, 2010
Linda gave an informal talk and participated in discussion about writing with this local group.
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Green Literary Event at the Dahl Art Center, Rapid City, SD. January, 2010
A Green Literary Event was held at the Dahl Art Center with Gerard Baker, Superintendent of Mt. Rushmore Memorial, as featured speaker. Six area authors (including our Linda) were on hand to sell and autograph their books and visit with members of the audience.
# # #
Photo by Greg Latza.
South Dakota Magazine
Volume 25, Number 6 -- March/April 2010
South Dakota Magazine has been published for 25 years now. Congratulations!
Linda's essay "Let There Be Less Light" appeared in the March/April 2010 issue.
The essay, illustrated with gorgeous night-time photos by SD photographer Greg Latza, celebrates the night and addresses the issue of light pollution.
The essay and photo spread covers pages 22 through 27. Don't miss the contributor bio on page 4 or the full-page write-up of Linda's book No Place Like Home on page 76.
For more information:
South Dakota Magazine website
Greg Latza Photography website
International Dark-Sky Association website
# # #
Journey Museum, Rapid City, SD. Grasslands discussion with Dan O'Brien and Dick Kettlewell. March, 2010
Approximately 55 people attended this reading and question & answer session with authors and ranchers Linda Hasselstrom and Dan O’Brien at the Journey Museum auditorium. This session took place in conjunction with Dick Kettlewell's wildlife photography exhibit titled “In Praise of the Prince: A Visual Tribute to the North American Pronghorn” which opened in the Stanford Adelstein Community Gallery on February 28th.
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Iowa State University, Ames, IA. April, 2010.
Linda made her annual visit to the ISU campus to sit in on theses defenses and meet with writing students as part of her visiting faculty position with the MFA Program in Creative Writing and the Environment.
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Sturgis Library Book Discussion and Earth Day Talk. Sturgis, SD. April, 2010
The Sturgis Area Arts Council selected Feels Like Far for its winter reading program.
On Earth Day Linda spoke about the book, read some passages from it, and answered questions.
# # #
photo by Greg Latza
The South Dakotan
The Magazine of the University of South Dakota Alumni Association
"Finding Community in Wide Open Spaces"
Volume 5, Number 1 -- Spring 2010
Linda graduated with a BA from the University of South Dakota in 1965.
Early in 2010 Douglas Murano, Associate Editor, Features, interviewed Linda and put together an entertaining and well-written article summing up Linda's time at USD and her career as a rancher, writer, and teacher, linking all of it with her views of communities in the west. As Linda wrote to him after reading the piece, "What a fine article you have made of a disorderly pile of my responses."
Two photos by Greg Latza show off the beauty of the prairie in western South Dakota-- the cover photo of the windmill and the two-page spread at the beginning of the article. The other snapshots documenting Linda's ranch life were taken by Jerry Ellerman and Tamara Rogers.
And don't miss the nice little write-up of No Place Like Home in the "Alumni Books" section on page 40.
For more information:
USD alumni Association website
Greg Latza Photography website
# # #
Hamilton Stone Review
Summer 2010 Issue Number 21
Linda's short nonfiction piece entitled "Memory for A.V.F., Jemez Pueblo" appears in the Summer 2010 Issue of The Hamilton Stone Review, an online literary magazine edited by Reamy Jansen.
For more information:
Issue Number 21 of the Hamilton Stone Review
# # #
Western Horseman Magazine
Western Horseman Magazine
Women of the West -- July 2010
Linda appeared in the July 2010 issue of this magazine which is billed as "the voice of the American cowboy and stock horse."
A full-page article presented Linda's thoughts on various topics, with quotes from Linda artfully laid out by journalist, author and horseman Tom Moates, who interviewed Linda earlier in 2010.
That great full-page picture of Linda was taken by local photographer and artist Lisa Norman.
The article appeared in the Ranchlands section, in a regular feature called Women of the West.
For more information:
Western Horseman Magazine website
Tom Moates's website
Lisa Norman's "Images West" website
# # #
Black Hills FACES Magazine
Black Hills FACES Magazine
Summer 2010 -- Volume VI, Issue 3
FACES magazine turned five years old in 2010.
This anniversary issue revisits the people featured through the first five years--
including Linda, who was on the cover of the Winter 2009 Issue (now referred to by the publisher as "The Linda Issue").
Bill Schulz, author of the original article, wrote a brief update on Linda.
James Van Nuys, a man of many talents, took the summer photo of Linda with a ranch stock pond behind her.
For more information:
Black Hills FACES Magazine website
# # #
near Spearfish, SD
photo by Les Voorhis
South Dakota Magazine
Volume 26, Number 2 -- July/August 2010
This year seems to be Linda's year for magazine appearances, doesn't it?
Linda's essay "Prairie Isn't Prairie Without Sky" appeared in the July/August 2010 issue.
In the essay, Linda leads the reader out into the prairie, describing the beauty she sees in the present, linking it to the past, and pondering the future of the grasslands.
"Walk in the grass that reaches perhaps to your ankles, lithe, whippy grass that has evolved with fewer than 16 inches of moisture a year. Walk until the only sound is the wind combing that grass and the chitter of a flock of horned larks somewhere above and behind you . . . Walk and breathe deeply, inhale clear down to your toes, that clean, indefinable smell of grass that has never known chemical fertilizer, grass that holds man's fate in its slender stems."
The essay, which covers pages 52 through 56, is illustrated with some richly-colored, big-sky photos by SD photographer Greg Latza.
For more information:
South Dakota Magazine website
Greg Latza Photography website
# # #
SD Women in Agriculture Conference: Journaling Workshop. Spearfish Canyon Lodge, SD. October, 2010
The South Dakota Women in Agriculture conference is an annual event for women in the region who are involved in agriculture either through a farm or ranch operation or through agribusiness. The women's conference is a time for the members to share, learn, network and rejuvenate themselves. The conference covers topics including production agriculture, family life and personal development.
Linda conducted a journaling workshop titled "Eighty Percent of Success is Showing Up: How your journal can organize your life." Linda talked about using several types of journals to organize your life and showed examples of her journals for specific purposes, including her personal journals, her Handbook to Everything, her New Poems journal, her Toyota journal, her photograph album journal, and her Death Journal.
# # #
Kennebec Library Talk and Book Signing, Kennebec, SD. November, 2010.
Linda gave a talk entitled "No Place Like Home: Surviving West of the River" at the Kennebec Library. Linda read some excerpts from her work, talked about grasslands and changing western communities, and answered questions from the audience.
# # #
DECEMBER 3rd, 2010
P3 — Painters, Poets & Pavilion
Washington Pavilion (for the Arts & Science)
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
27 sets of poets and visual artists teamed up once again in 2010. Linda’s new poem “Lost and Found” inspired the art created by Cory Knedler, chair of the Art Department at the University of SD in Vermillion.
A poetry reading followed by a reception for artists and the public took place on December 3rd. The art and poems will be on display until February 13th.
Catalogs featuring all of the artwork and poetry from the exhibition are available for purchase from the Pavilion.
For more information:
website for the Washington Pavilion for the Arts
Read about Linda’s poem on the Poetry Page on this website.
# # #
Journey Museum Local Author Book Signing, Rapid City, SD. December, 2010.
A half-dozen local area authors gathered at the Journey Museum store to sign books.
For more information:
The Journey Museum
222 New York Street, Rapid City SD 57701
(605) 394-6923
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2009 Past Events
Black Hills FACES Magazine
Linda was the cover story of the Winter 2009 issue of this fascinating Black Hills regional magazine that features various local folks and their unique stories and talents.
The article, written by Bill Schulz -- a writer, retired teacher, and long-time friend of Linda's -- gave an overview of Linda's life, told about her recent return to the ranch and her writing retreats, and included many snippets of Linda's work.
As always, in this glorious magazine, there were many full-color photos, including the cover photo of Linda at the ranch, taken under that wonderful grey winter sky.
For more information and to subscribe:
Black Hills Faces Magazine
Western Folklife Center National Cowboy Poetry Gathering
Elko, Nevada. January 28 through January 31, 2009
Linda was scheduled to give a number of performances, including one show that was sold out weeks in advance. But for the first time in her many years of aprticipating at the CPG, Linda was unable to make the drive due to snow and ice and closed highways.
Second Annual FACES LIVE! Variety Show at the Elks Theatre Main Stage
Rapid City, South Dakota. Thursday, February 26, 2009
Linda had 8 minutes of fame during the show to do her thing, which was a well-received reading, NOT singing and dancing.
Iowa State University at Ames, Iowa in April, 2009
Linda made her annual visit to the ISU campus to sit in on theses defenses as part of her visiting faculty position with the MFA Program in Creative Writing and the Environment.
For more information:
Wild Burro Bookstore "Write Now!" Writing Workshops
Hot Springs, South Dakota. April 24-25, 2009
Linda conducted a 3 hour workshop on non-fiction writing and, with regional author Kent Meyers, participated in a reading, discussion, and book signing at The Wild Burro Bookstore.
“Lunch and Learn” at the Rapid City Public Library
Rapid City, South Dakota. May 20, 2009
"Lunch and Learn" is a program sponsored by Friends of the Library.
Linda gave a noon talk at the library entitled "Cow Love: Why I Love Cows and You Should Too" followed by a question and answer session.
Custer County Fair local author booksigning
Hermosa, South Dakota. August 15, 2009
Linda and a few other local authors were available for discussion and autographs at the Custer County Fair on the east edge of Hermosa. The event was sponsored by the Hermosa branch of the Custer County Library.
"Dakota Midday: Food for Thought" radio interview
South Dakota Public Radio. September 3, 2009
Linda was interviewed by Julia Monczunski who came to the ranch and talked to Linda about her writing and her writing retreats.
Western Literature Association Conference
Spearfish, South Dakota. September 30 - October 3, 2009
Linda served on a panel discussion along with Dan O'Brien, Ann Daum and Kent Meyers. And she participated on another panel discussion about "The State(s) of Environmental Writing" with Gary Ferguson, Andrea Peacock, Doug Peacock, Jim Stiles, and M. John Fayhee.
Dr. Kathleen Danker from SDSU introduced Linda using Danker's 2009 essay entitled "Fighting Words from a West River Woman: The Straight Talk of Linda M. Hasselstrom" after which Linda read some straight talk from her own writing.
SD Festival of the Book, sponsored by the SD Humanities Council
Deadwood, South Dakota. October 2-4, 2009
During the "Literary Feast: Rapture and Ruin" Linda and several other authors gave their thoughts on themes presented in Dan O'Brien's book "Buffalo for the Broken Heart" (which was South Dakota's "One Book" selection for 2009) while the audience dined on roast bison.
The following day, Linda participated in a discussion of poetry ("Dakota Poetry" with Linda, David Allan Evans, and Elizabeth Cook-Lynn); a discussion of the grasslands ("Land Use and Prairie Restoration" with Linda, Dan O'Brien, Pamela Todd and Jerry Wilson); gave a reading from her newest book ("No Place Like Home, Selected Readings"); and chatted with Book Fest attendees while she autographed books at the pavilion with many other authors.
Thresholds: 23rd Annual Literary Conference
ARTCORE and Casper College, Wyoming. October 8-10, 2009
Linda gave a talk titled "Mulch: How I Became a Writer" and taught a two-day workshop ("Writing to See, Seeing to Write") which featured in-class writing exercises and discussions of writing. Linda also analyzed an essay to show how a well-known writer achieves her effects.
Wind City Books booksigning
Casper, Wyoming. October 10, 2009
Linda was on hand to talk and autograph books at this fine local bookstore.
The Quivira Coalition’s 8th Annual Conference
Albuquerque, New Mexico. November 4-6, 2009
The Quivira Coalition's conference in 2009 was a celebration of Aldo Leopold entitled "Living Leopold: the land ethic and a new agrarianism."
The evening kickoff event featured ranchers, conservationists, scientists, land managers and others reading their favorite passages from the writings of Aldo Leopold. Participants included: Linda Hasselstrom, Gary Nabhan, Bill deBuys, and Clare Kazanski. Three students from the Aldo Leopold Writing Contest will read their winning letters to Aldo Leopold telling him how or why his writings are still important today.
Linda had a free day to sample and enjoy the many conference seminars and meet with various people. And then she presented a program for the Conference Session that had the theme of Beauty. Linda gave a talk entitled "The Goose Who Trades His Feathers."
South Dakota State University Classroom visits
Brookings, South Dakota. November 18, 2009
Linda visited K. Danker's Literature of the American West and composition (journal-writing) classes during the day.
Empty Bowls Talk at the United Church of Christ
Brookings, South Dakota. November 18, 2009
Linda read her poem "Those Thanksgiving Pie Makers" and gave a talk by the same name for the Empty Bowls fundraising dinner at the United Church of Christ in Brookings.
A copy of Linda's newest book No Place Like Home was auctioned off before the dinner begins. Whoever bid highest for the book hosted Linda at their table during the Empty Bowls dinner.
As in past years, all ticketholders at the Empty Bowls event selected a beautiful pottery bowl handcrafted by Dave Huebner of Dakota Stoneware, Bushnell, then enjoyed a simple but delicious meal of homemade soup, bread and dessert. Approximately 180 people attended. All proceeds benefited Heifer International.
Zandbroz Variety Store booksigning
Sioux Falls, South Dakota. November 19, 2009
Linda visited and signed books for about 40 people who showed up at this well-loved store. When the store ran out of copies of No Place Like Home Linda brought a case of books from her car so that no one had to leave empty-handed.
P3: Poets and Painters at the Pavilion: An Art and Poetry Exhibit
Washington Pavilion of Arts and Science
Sioux Falls, South Dakota. December 4, 2009 - February 28, 2010
Linda (as poet) and Rebecca Mulvaney (as artist) collaborated on a poetry/painting exhibit for the Washington Pavilion of Arts.
Approximately 24 pairs of regional poets and visual artists participated in the exhibit this year. An exhibition catalogue, with photos of the paintings, accompanied with the peotry, is available from the Pavilion.
Though Linda was not able to attend the opening reception on December 4 or the additional poetry reading in January, 2010, her poem "Waiting for the Storm" allowed her to be there in spirit.
For more information:
Rebecca Mulvaney - Visual Artist. Paintings - oil, watercolor, pastel
Washington Pavilion of Arts and Science
301 S. Main Ave.
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
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2008 Past Events
Yes, Linda did much more in 2008 than appears here at the moment. Check back . . .
Book Club Discussion and Reading
Hill City, SD. Saturday, June 14, 2008
Linda met with the monthly reader's group, that meets at the Hill City Community Library, for an afternoon talk and question and answer session about Linda’s books and her return to the Black Hills community.
After a dinner with the group-- great food and conversation-- Linda returned to the Hill City Library and gave a reading of her work to the public, followed by more discussion, much of it directed towards the poem “Bitter Creek Junction” parts one, two and three.
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2007 Past Events
Writers on the Plains
April 19-21, 2007
Fort Collins and Sterling, Colorado
Thursday, April 19 -- 7:30pm
Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Talk and reading
Friday, April 20 -- 7:30pm
Library in Sterling, Colorado
Talk and reading
Saturday, April 21 -- 11am to noon
Library in Sterling, Colorado
Discussion group
Colorado Author's League
Annual Awards Banquet
May 12, 2007
Denver, Colorado
Linda was the keynote speaker at the CAL annual awards banquet.
Linda's talk was entitled: WRITERS HAVE TO BE FOOLS IN PUBLIC.
That title is taken from this quotation:
"No one ever found wisdom without also being a fool. Writers, alas, have to be fools in public, while the rest of the human race can cover its tracks."
Erica Jong, in Janet Sternburg, ed., The Writer on Her Work, vol. 1 (1980)
Linda spoke, read and speculated about this business of being a writer, reflecting on writing to find out what she thinks, what it means, and why we go on writing our fears and joys.
For more information about the Colorado Author's League:
Wyoming Festival of the Book
September 14-15, 2007
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Badger Clark Memorial Society
Poetry and Prose Writing Workshop
September 20-22, 2007
Custer, South Dakota
In 2007 Linda was also an Advisor for the "Voice in the American West Series," for Texas Tech University Press.
And Linda was an Honorary Member, South Dakota Humanities Foundation Board, in 2007.
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2006 Past Events
October 19 through 21 -- Casper, Wyoming
Linda will be the keynote speaker at the "Gala Banquet" on Friday, October 20th at 6pm at the Parkway Plaza Hotel. Reservations required.
Linda has titled her talk "The Commonplace I sing," recalling Walt Whitman's lines
"The commonplace I sing. . .
The open air I sing, freedom, toleration. . .
The common day and night-- the common earth and waters."
Linda will also participate in the ongoing book readings by authors on Saturday at the First United Methodist Church.
The readings are free and open to the public. Nina McConigley will emcee all of the readings.
Here are some of the Wind Books related time slots:
9:30 -- Linda M. Hasselstrom
10:15 -- B.J. Buckley
10:30 -- Charlotte Babcock
11:45 -- Bearlodge Writers
12:00 -- Pat Frolander
1:00 -- Kayne Pyatt
2:30 -- "Leaning Into the Wind" and "Woven in the Wind" Anthologies
2:45 -- "Crazy Woman Creek" Anthology
Don't be late! Because so many authors have signed up to read, each one gets only their allotted 15 minutes of fame.
And Linda will be part of the panel discussion entitled "Cowboy Myths/Cowboy Realities" which has been rescheduled to run from 2:15pm to 3:45pm at the Nicolaysen Art Museum. (Apparently due to an emergency wedding at the Methodist Church, some events had to be moved to other locations.)
Panelists include poet, rancher, essayist and Book Festival keynote speaker Linda M. Hasselstrom; Eastern Wyoming College English and Spanish teacher John Nesbitt, author of six short story collections, two contemporary western novels, and more than a dozen traditional western novels; memoirist and professional rodeo rider Abe Morris; and Annie Proulx, author of two volumes of short stories about Wyoming, Close Range and Bad Dirt, and several novels including The Shipping News, which won a Pulitzer Prize and a National Book Award. Close Range included the short story "Brokeback Mountain," which last year was made into an Oscar-winning film. (Check the Book Fest schedule for free showings of this movie.)
The panelists will discuss what hold "the cowboy way" has on our imaginations, our mores, our politics and our future. Wyoming Poet Laureate David Romtvedt will moderate the panel. The authors' books will be for sale at the event. The panel is free and open to the public.
For more information on the schedule of Book Festival events, and which require reservations or tickets:
Thursday, September 28th through Saturday, September 30th, 2006 – Custer, South Dakota
with other related events running September 28th through October 2nd
Linda will be conducting a western prose and poetry workshop in Custer, South Dakota, sponsored by the Badger Clark Memorial Society the last weekend of September.
A number of other events will be offered that same long weekend in the City of Custer and in nearby Custer State Park, including a behind-the-scenes tour of The Badger Hole (poet Badger Clark’s home), the auction of the life-sized painted buffalo sculptures in Custer, and an Arts Festival and the annual Buffalo Roundup in Custer State Park.
Below is the official news release from the Badger Clark Memorial Society about the upcoming workshop:
In conjunction with the Custer State Park Buffalo Roundup, members of the Badger Clark Memorial Society finalized plans for a western prose and poetry writers’ workshop. It will be held September 28, 29 and 30 at the Custer County Courthouse annex on Crook and Fifth Street in Custer. Noted professional author and workshop conductor Linda M. Hasselstrom of Hermosa will conduct the event.
Linda M. Hasselstrom is the author of eleven published books and editor of numerous others. She writes, ranches, and conducts writing retreats for women on her South Dakota ranch. She previously owned the Lame Johnny Press from 1971 to 1985 when she received a grant from the National Endowment of the Arts that allowed her to pursue writing about the land on which she grew to womanhood. Her books include “Feels Like Far”, “Bison, Monarch of the Plains”, “Roadside History of South Dakota”, “Land Circle”, and “Going over East”. She has appeared on the programs of many writing workshops and on other programs as the main speaker. The retreats she holds for women writers take place at Windbreak House near Hermosa. She spends the winters in Wyoming but her South Dakota experiences remain the core of her writings.
Participants in the Badger Clark workshop in Custer can immerse themselves in western lore during the weekend. The Custer State Park Fall Festival on September 29 and October 1, the Badger Clark Hometown Poetry Gathering in Hot Springs on September 29 and 30, the artists’ reception and auction of the Custer Stampede painted bison on September 28 and 29, and the annual Custer State Park Buffalo Roundup on October 2 are some events the writers’ workshop participants may wish to attend.
Registered workshop participants who tour the Badger Hole in Custer State Park Thursday afternoon, September 28, at 1:00 p.m. will receive a free Badger Clark T-shirt and a pamphlet about his home. The tour will start from the parking lot behind the courthouse annex.
Friday and Saturday, September 29 and 30, the workshops begin at 8:30 a.m. and will be conducted each day until 4:30 p.m. Friday evening the participants will attend a meal and open microphone at the Songbird Café at 5:30 p.m. in Custer. Dr. George Russell of Boulder, Colorado will recite cowboy poetry. It is also an opportunity for workshop attendants to recite their poetry if they wish.
Participants will receive group and individual instruction, an analysis of their writings, the opportunity to share their efforts with others, comments on Badger Clark’s poetry, and a certificate of participation. Attendees should bring their own writing materials and may bring examples of their work if they wish. They do not need to be a member of the Badger Clark Memorial Society to participate.
The registration fee for two days of instruction, lunches and coffer breaks at the Courthouse annex is $100 per person. Attendance will be limited; registrants will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. The non-refundable registration fee must be received by September 7. For an application or further information, write The Badger Clark Memorial Society, Box 351, Custer, SD 57730, or phone 605-673-4377 or contact www.badgerclark.org. The Society is a non-profit South Dakota corporation organized to promote the works of Badger Clark and western literature.
It is recommended that those planning to stay overnight in Custer make their reservations immediately.
For more information contact Jessie Y. Sundstrom at
Box 351
Custer, SD 57730-0351
Phone 605-673-4377
The Fifth Annual Stewart Bellman Writer’s Workshop
April 1, 2006 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Matthews Opera House, Spearfish, SD
The workshop will have three sessions this year -- one in the morning and two in the afternoon. Participants will attend all sessions. Nobody misses a thing!
Session One: Writing Non-Fiction with Linda M. Hasselstrom
Session Two: Writing Fiction with Jamie Lee
Session Three: Critique Demo with Bearlodge Writers
Sponsored by Spearfish Writers Group and Spearfish Arts Center
For More Information Call (605) 722-0338 or email maureenab@yahoo.com
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2005 Past Events
January 26 through 29, 2005
Linda M. Hasselstrom and co-editor Nancy Curtis were at the Cowboy Poetry Gathering in Elko, Nevada from Wednesday, January 26 through Saturday, January 29 for a variety of events, most of which had to do with the changing western community, including a panel about the newest western women’s anthology Crazy Woman Creek. Below is a schedule of events where you may have found Linda.
Check out the Western Folklife website www.westernfolklife.org for information about future Cowboy Poetry Festivals in Elko.
Up Crazy Woman Creek Without a Paddle: Saving Our Sanity through Communities
Linda M. Hasselstrom and Nancy Curtis, with Gail Rappa, Susan Church, Beverly deGero
Women were invited to this roundtable to discuss their roles in changing Western communities and to share information about problems and solutions in a non-intimidating environment. Participants drew topics from true personal accounts by western women in the book Crazy Woman Creek, looking at how communities succeed or fail. By building communities, women and others can find the support they need to survive, to make the West a better place, and to enhance their lives.
The Rural-Urban Divide: Building Bridges in the New West
Patricka Limerick, Charles Scoggin, Tamar Scoggin, Daniel Kemmis, Ed Marston, Teresa Jordan, Linda M. Hasselstrom, Rick Knight
The American West is divided along a rural-urban rift. Importantly, this divide crosses a variety of conservation and environmental issues. This was a half-day workshop that, using humor and wit, contributed to the emerging efforts across our region that emphasize cooperation rather than conflict. The people on the panel are some of the West’s most articulate and gifted participants in a new West.
Western Folklife Center Members Show
Wally McRae (political poetry), Linda M. Hasselstrom (community poetry and writing), The Bill Hearne Trio (music).
Prose Readings
Host: Carol Edison; with participants Wally McRae, Linda M. Hasselstrom, Vess Quinlan who read from their work.
Up Crazy Woman Creek
Hosts: Linda M. Hasselstrom and Nancy Curtis; with Gwen Petersen, Katie McCall-Owen, Deanna McCall, Jane Morton and others.
Linda and Nancy directed a reading and used gathering participants to perform work from the anthology Crazy Woman Creek. This was a fun event!
Autograph Session
Linda M. Hasselstrom, Nancy Curtis, Jane Morton and others were available to autograph their books.
For More Information (Prepare to attend in 2006!):
Contact the Western Folklife Center
888-880-5885 (toll-free, ticket orders only)
775-738-7508 (in Elko or outside the U.S.)
Mailing address:
National Cowboy Poetry Gathering
Western Folklife Center
501 Railroad St.
Elko, NV 89801
E-mail: tbaer@westernfolklife.org
Website: www.westernfolklife.org
WRITER'S WORKSHOP -- Matthews Opera House, Spearfish, South Dakota
Saturday, April 2, 2005 -- 8am to 4pm
The Fourth Annual Stewart Bellman Writer’s Workshop was sponsored by the Spearfish Writers Group and the Spearfish Center for the Arts.
Whether new writer or an old hand with the pen, all were invited to come and be in the good company of other writers for learning and fun. Following the opening introductions, all participants broke into one of the following hands-on sessions: Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction, Journal/Memoir or Writing for Children.
The workshop also included a panel presentation by the faculty members. During lunch, faculty read from their works.
This year’s faculty included: Journal/Memoir – Linda M. Hasselstrom, Fiction – Ken Rand, Nonfiction – Mark St. Pierre, Poetry – Ginny Odenbach, and Writing for Children – Eugene Gagliano.
To request a brochure with information about future workshops, contact: Carol at (605) 722-8438 or send an email to jamie@manykites.com
SPLIT ROCK SUMMER WORKSHOP -- The Cloquet Forestry Center, northern Minnesota
Sunday, July 10 through Saturday, July 16, 2005
The 2005 Split Rock Arts Program Summer Workshops feature 46 workshops that serve artists of all interests, backgrounds, and skill levels, so participants may select workshops that are most appropriate to their needs and interests. The faculty are renowned practicing artists and writers, and all workshops allow for significant one-to-one contact between participant and instructor.
Linda, our very own renowned writer, conducted a workshop titled “Between Grass and Sky: A Nonfiction Writing Retreat.”
Linda writes this about the workshop:
“A writer should be able to do at least two contradictory things at once: concentrate on one topic, and let the mind wander through others, encountering images that may prove relevant. This workshops is designed to encourage writers to pay attention as a writer must. Participants need not be experienced or want to publish, only be interested in thinking more deeply by writing.”
Linda is assigning some reading and writing to be completed before the workshop begins, so if you are interested in attending, sign up as soon as possible to give yourself time to prepare.
To read more about what the workshop encompasses, see the website link, below.
The Cloquet Forestry Center, the University of Minnesota's “hidden treasure,” is a nationally recognized research and teaching center tucked in the forests southwest of Duluth. According to the Split Rock website: with 18 miles of hiking trails, parts of which pass through a spectacular 44-acre stand of centuries-old virgin red and white pine, the Center couples the peaceful seclusion of the forest with the convenience of a retreat facility. The rugged land formations of nearby Jay Cooke State Park, the many species of wildlife (173 species of birds alone!), and the sometimes raging, sometimes gentle St. Louis River, all help to make for a genuine northern Minnesota retreat experience.
Not a bad place to be in July while a drought sits hot and heavy on the High Plains of the west.
The Split Rock Arts Program is part of the University of Minnesota’s College of Continuing Education (CCE) which helps fulfill the University of Minnesota's outreach mission to offer outstanding education for a diverse community of adult learners within Minnesota and beyond. The CCE’s primary audience is working adults who seek education on a part-time basis for career enhancement or personal enrichment.
For more information about Split Rock Summer Workshops in general or how to apply to attend Linda’s specific workshop, contact Split Rock this way:
E-mail: srap@cce.umn.edu
Phone: (612) 625-8100 or Fax: 612-624-6210
Split Rock Arts Program
University of Minnesota
360 Coffey Hall
1420 Eckles Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108-6084
Or click here to visit their website at:http://www.cce.umn.edu/splitrockarts/about/
Then use your "back" button to return to this page.
September 23 through 25, 2005
Linda will no doubt be participating again this year in some fashion.
MARSHALL FESTIVAL 5 -- Marshall, Minnesota
October 23-29, 2005
Friday, October 28, 2005 -- 12 noon -- Bag Lunch Conversation
“Land and Gender”
Linda M. Hasselstrom will be joined by Barnes, Hurd, Crozier, Mazza and Freya Manfred for lunch and conversation. More information on the participants, the format and the place will be forthcoming.
Linda M. Hasselstrom will speak in a place yet to be announced on a topic yet to be determined. Check back later this spring for full details.
Linda will read from her work on a hayride if the folks at the Marshall Festival can arrange it as they hope. They are also trying to set up brief meetings where participating authors will go over short writing samples and give their feedback to aspiring writers. Check with the Festival coordinators if this sounds like something you'd like to join.
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2004 Past Events
UU Church Guest Speaker
Sunday Service on October 10, 2004 Cheyenne, Wyoming
Linda will read her poem "Late March Blizzard" after the Call to Worship and the Opening Words of the service.
Then, after some hymns, prayer and meditation and the offering, Linda will give a talk entitled "The Beauty of Taking Responsibility."
Reading and Booksigning
7 pm, Friday September 24
HAHA Museum, Hermosa, South Dakota
The Hermosa Arts and History Association (HAHA) is sponsoring Hermosa Author’s Night on Friday, September 24th at the Hermosa Arts and History Center. The public is invited to attend and visit with noted Hermosa-area authors Linda M. Hasselstrom and Rick W. Mills.
Rick W. Mills is the author of 5 books, and co-author of 5 others dealing with Black Hills and regional railroading, and will be discussing his new book 125 Years of Black Hills Railroading. This look at area railroading combines not only the nuts and bolts of the railroads and operations from the first locomotive in the area (1879) to current-day, but it also gives a perspective on how the Hills and the railroads evolved together.
“I wish I could explain why I have had a lifelong interest in trains, but I do know that it has always been a part of me, said Mills. “The influences of the railroad on the Black Hills, the Northern Plains, and the American experience cannot be overstated. The railroads were the catalyst for westward expansion, and for the development of the cities, the transportation routes, and other forms of commerce in the country that we know today. Good or bad, depending on a person's own heritage and experiences, the railroads and their employees have played a pivotal role in this region and the country.”
Hasselstrom will speak at 7 PM and Mills will follow at about 8 PM. Both authors will be available to answer questions and sign books following the presentations. The newly opened Museum will also be open for guests to view following the event. The History Center is located at 200 Main Street in downtown Hermosa. The public is invited to share in this evening of fun, retrospective, and refreshments. There is no admission charge.
Second Annual South Dakota Festival of Books
August 27-29, 2004 -- Sioux Falls, SD
The South Dakota Center for the Book, a program of the SD Humanities Council, presents the Second Annual Festival of Books in downtown Sioux Falls.
The Festival features events for all ages that celebrate the literary arts. Meet over 75 national, regional and local authors. Enjoy author presentations, panel discussions and workshops. Visit the exhibitors' hall. See book appraisals and cooking demonstrations. Mingle with favorite storybook characters.
And don't miss what will no doubt be the highlight of the Festival -- two appearances by Linda!
"Women of Poetry" Panel
Saturday, Aug. 28
from 2 to 2:45
Multicultural Center (5th & Main)
Linda M. Hasselstrom will participate in the Book Festival poetry track on a panel entitled "Women of Poetry" with Lydia Whirlwind Soldier. Stop in to hear some great poetry read by the author and ask some questions to get a good discussion going.
"Crazy Woman Creek: Community in the Changing West" Readings and Panel Discussion
Sunday, Aug. 29
10 am to 10:45 am with booksigning to follow
Starlight Room in the Holiday Inn (8th & Main)
Co-editors Linda M. Hasselstrom, Nancy Curtis and Gaydell Collier will be hosting a panel discussion entitled "Community in the Changing West" featuring contributors to the newest western women's anthology, Crazy Woman Creek.
Once the panel discussion is over, editors and contributors will be on hand for another hour or so, for more personal conversations and to autograph books.
Bring any of your books by Linda to either event and she will autograph them for you. Her books should also be available to purchase at the Festival bookstore in the Holiday Inn.
Booksigning and Reading
Thursday, August 26, 2004
4-6 p.m.
Prince and Pauper Village
902 Mount Rushmore Road
Rapid City, South Dakota
(605) 342-7964
All readers, fans, friends and contributors to Leaning into the Wind, Woven on the Wind, and Crazy Woman Creek are invited to join the editors, Gaydell Collier, Nancy Curtis, and Linda Hasselstrom at a signing of all three Wind Books at the Prince and Pauper Bookstore in Rapid City.
Individual e-mail invitations will be sent to local-area contributors, but if we somehow miss you, please consider yourself invited.
Hope to see you there!
Second Annual High Plains BookFest
July 9-11, 2004 – Billings, Montana
The High Plains Bookfest is a celebration of the literature from this region. The festival will feature more than 90 seasoned and emerging writers from Montana, Wyoming, North and South Dakota, Canada and the numerous Indian Tribes therein.
Some BookFest events include credit and non-credit classes offered through Montana State University-Billings; workshops and panels on the craft of writing, historical research, editing, and publishing; readings; a book market and used book sale; activities at the Western Heritage Center, MSU-Billings Downtown, Parmly Billings Library, Yellowstone Art Museum, Moss Mansion, the Mansfield Health Education Center and numerous other venues within walking distance of downtown hotels, restaurants, and shops.
The BookFest will feature readings and panels by writers such as Linda M. Hasselstrom, Rick Bass, Mary Clearman Blew, Mark Spragg, Gwen Peterson and Gary Ferguson.
The High Plains BookFest is supported by grants from the C.M. Bair Family Trust, Billings Gazette, Susan and Jack Heyneman, Travel Montana, the National Endowment for the Arts and the Montana Committee for the Humanities. Reception sponsored by Mildred “Mac” Oliver.
Friday, July 9, 2004
10:00 a.m.
Yellowstone Art Museum, 401 North 27th
Moderator– Annette Chaudet
Linda Hasselstrom, Ruth McLaughlin, Gwen Peterson
1:00 p.m.
Western Heritage Center, 2822 Montana Ave.
Moderator–Lynda Moss
David Fitzgerald, Linda Hasselstrom, Ruth Rudner
Saturday, July 10
1:00 p.m.
Moss Mansion, 914 Division
Moderators- Linda Hasselstrom,
Participating contributors to the anthology include Wanda Roseland, Mary Lode, Cheryl Wright, Geraldine Connolly, Chris Valentine, Bette-B Bauer
8:00 p.m.
Alberta Bair Theater, Broadway & 3rd Ave. North
Emcee–Gary Ferguson
Linda Hasselstrom, Rick Bass, Mary Clearman Blew
For a complete schedule of events, writers' biographies, and related activities visit the High Plains BookFest website at www.downtownbillings.org.
Crazy Woman Creek Writers Autograph Party:
May 8, 2004 -- City News, Cheyenne, WY
Noon to 4 pm
Crazy Woman Creek, a new collection of nonfiction and poems by western women, will be available at an autograph party for contributors from noon-4 pm. on Saturday, May 8 at City News and Pipe Shop, 1722 Carey Avenue in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
The collection is subtitled "Women Rewrite the American West," and is published by Houghton Mifflin. It has been selected as a "Book Sense" title by independent booksellers. Official publication date is May 18; this will be one of the first autograph parties in the nation.
Cheyenne contributors to Crazy Woman Creek include Linda M. Hasselstrom, A.J. Harnish, Pat Ogle, and Bess Armstrong. Cheyenne contributors to all three anthologies edited by Linda Hasselstrom, Gaydell Collier, and Nancy Curtis, have been invited to attend and autograph their writing. These writers include Susan Vittitow, Donna Harvey, Donna Williams Dereemer, and Rhae Foster.
For More Information: e-mail Linda using the link on this website's menu bar.
January 15 - 17, 2004 -- Albuquerque, NM
Linda M. Hasselstrom will open the Third Annual Quivira Coalition Conference on Thursday, January 15, 2004. The Conference, entitled “Ranching In Nature’s Image,” will be held Thursday-Saturday, January 15-17, 2004, at the Hilton Hotel in Albuquerque.
The Conference will feature presentations by Linda Hasselstrom, Dana Jackson, Jo Robinson, Bill deBuys, Gregg Simonds, Wayne Elmore, Jim Howell, and many others. There are 36 speakers scheduled, including New Mexico State Land Commissioner Patrick Lyons. Highlights include the First Annual meeting of the Southwest Grassfed Livestock Alliance, and music by South by Southwest. As always, the Conference will conclude Saturday night with the Clarence Burch Awards Banquet. The Burch Award speaker this year will be Ed Marston, former publisher of High Country News.
Aldo Leopold once wrote “Healthy land is the only permanently profitable land.” This conference will explore the latest scientific understanding of “nature’s model” and how people are benefitting economically and socially by putting this new knowledge to work.
The mission of The Quivira Coalition is to foster ecological, economic and social health on western landscapes through education, innovation, collaboration, and progressive public and private land stewardship.
Calling their approach "The New Ranch," the Quivira Coalition pursues their mission through a regular newsletter, workshops, conferences, lectures, site tours, a Web page, seminars, outdoor classrooms, publications, videos, collaborative management demonstration projects, monitoring, and scientific research.
The three-day conference costs $75 for non-members, which includes several meals.
For more information, call the Quivira office at 505-820-2544
or see their website: www.quiviracoalition.org
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2003 Past Events
Saturday, December 20 – Blue Heron Books, Casper WY
3 to 5 pm
Linda will join fellow contributors Charles Levendosky, Vicki Lindner and Tom Rea for a book signing and meet the authors get-together on Saturday, December 20th from 3 to 5 pm at the Blue Heron Books & Espresso store in Casper, WY. “Deep West: A Literary Tour of Wyoming” was published June 2003 by Pronghorn Press. Edited by Mike Shay, Linn Rounds and David Romtvedt, the collection of works by contemporary Wyoming authors is a product of the Wyoming Center for the Book. Mike Shay, who also wrote the introduction for the book, will emcee the booksigning.
Blue Heron Books & Espresso is located at 201 East Second Street in Casper.
For more information call the bookstore at (307) 265-3774 or (800) 585-3774
or e-mail to wbilek@aol.com or bheronbook@aol.com
Linda M. Hasselstrom, Class of 1963, was commencement speaker for Winter commencement at her alma mater, The University of South Dakota on December 13th, and made it back to her home in Cheyenne just minutes ahead of the latest snowstorm. Linda's talk was entitled, "Getting a Life," and included an excerpt from her newest book, Between Grass and Sky, published by University of Nevada Press. Linda autographed books at the University bookstore following the commencement exercises; the best sellers were "Leaning into the Wind" and "Woven on the Wind."
The radio interview with Linda that was to be heard on KSOO Radio (1140AM, “The Talk of Sioux Falls”) during the afternoon talk show called "ViewPoint University" on Tuesday, December 9th, about Linda's upcoming commencement speech in Vermillion was cancelled due to coverage of the Bill Janklow manslaughter verdict. You'll just have to go to the commencement ceremony if you want to hear Linda.
Saturday, December 13 – University of South Dakota, Vermillion SD
10 am at the DakotaDome
Linda will give the commencement address for the winter Commencement Exercises at the University of South Dakota, Vermillion, on Saturday, December 13th at 10 am. Over 300 students are candidates for degrees. The USD website press release generously predicts that Linda’s speech, entitled Getting a Life, will be “the highlight of the ceremonies.”
The DakotaDome is located at the northwest corner of campus at SD Hwy 60 and North Dakota Street near the W.H. Over Museum.
BISMARCK ND -- April 7th, 2003
Bismarck State College
1500 Edwards Ave, Bismarck ND 58506
for more information: (701) 224-5400 or (800) 445-5073
Monday, April 7th at 7:30 pm
Student Union, Missouri Room
Linda will be presenting a reading of her original works to be followed with a booksigning. This event is free and open to the public. Linda will also be visiting classes during the day as part of the Visiting Writers Series.
SIOUX FALLS SD -- April 12-14, 2003
Zandbroz Variety Store
209 South Phillips Avenue, Sioux Falls SD 57104
for more information: (605) 331-5137 or (800) 352-6697
Saturday, April 12th from 7 to 8 pm
Stop in for coffee and conversation with Linda at Zandbroz Variety Store. She will be available to autograph books and discuss her latest projects.
Augustana College
2001 South Summit Avenue, Sioux Falls SD 57197
for more information: (605) 274-5430 or (800) 727-2844
Monday, April 14th at 7 pm
Chapel of Reconciliation
Linda will be reading from her books, followed by a booksigning. This event is free and open to the public. Linda will also be conducting a writing workshop for Augie students on Sunday and visiting classrooms on Monday.
GRANITE FALLS MN -- April 17, 2003
Minnesota West Community & Technical College
1593 11th Avenue, Granite Falls MN 56241
for more information: (320) 564-4511 or (800) 657-3247
Thursday, April 17th from 2 to 3 pm
campus cafeteria
Linda will present the Keynote Address "Women and the Environment: Between Grass and Sky" for the Arts and Humanities Series' 2nd Annual Women's Issues Forum on Women and the Environment. This event is free and open to the public.
A panel discussion will follow from 3:00 to 4:30. campus cafeteria
Panelists will be:
Audrey Arner, Land Stewardship Project Program Director, farmer
Terri Dinesen, Upper Sioux Agency State Park Manager
Dawn Hegland, Upper Minnesota Valley Regional Development Council
Lynn Lokken, Executive Director for Clean Up the River Environment (CURE)
Debra Peterson, Moderator, MNWC&TC (Dean, Canby campus)
This event is free and open to the public.
Thursday, April 17th from 7:30 to 8:30 pm
campus cafeteria
Linda will read from her work with a Q&A session and booksigning to follow. This is free and open to the public. Books will be available to buy. Refreshments will be served.
DICKINSON ND -- April 23-24, 2003
Dickinson State University
Campus Drive, Dickinson ND 58601
for more information: (701) 483-2316 or (800) 279-4295
Wednesday, April 23 at 7:30pm
Beck Auditorium, Klinefelter Hall
Linda will participate in a panel discussion and small reunion of local contributors to the western women's anthologies LEANING INTO THE WIND and WOVEN ON THE WIND. This event is free and open to the public.
Thursday, April 24 at 7:30 pm
Beck Auditorium, Klinefelter Hall
Linda will read from her books with an autograph session to follow. This is free and open to the public. Linda will also be visiting classrooms at the University both Wednesday and Thursday.
McCOOK, NE -- May 30-31, 2003
Buffalo Commons Storytelling Festival
PO Box 337, McCook NE 69001
(800) 657-2179 or (308) 345-3200
www.buffalocommons.org or dmandue@ocsmccook.com
Friday, May 30 -- 8:30am through 3:30pm
"Storytelling Through Poetic Voice"
McCook Community College course
Linda will be teaching a workshop designed for teachers, librarians, home-schoolers and those interested in raising their communications skills to a higher level.
For information about location, registration, cost and obtaining college credit for attending, contact Carol Schneider at (308) 345-6303 ext. 235 or e-mail her at schneider@mpcca.cc.ne.us
Contact Buffalo Commons Storytelling Festival for a full list of the day's events at the High Plains Museum and at Norris Park on Saturday, May 31st.
Saturday, May 31 -- 6:30pm
Grand Reception at the High Plains Museum ($15 admission)
6:30pm Food
7:30pm Program: Linda will join with Deb Carpenter (singer, cowboy poet), Barbara McBride-Smith (storyteller), and The Toasted Ponies (acoustic/bluegrass musicians) for conversation, music and stories.
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2002 Past Events
Saturday, April 27th
This year the John G. Neihardt Spring Conference, a scholarly examination of the subjects and themes of Neihardt, is entitled "The Year of Mona: Women in Literature and the Arts." The conference will run from 8:30am through 4:30pm. Linda will participate in two events.
9:45am -- "Neglected by Critics and Scholars: Western and Great Plains Women Writers"
A 45 minute presentation by Linda.
3:30pm -- Panel Discussion on women in the arts
Some of the other participants will be Lakota poet Lydia Whirlwind Soldier and Nebraska short-story author Lisa Sandlin. Coralie Hughes, granddaughter of Mona and John G. Neihardt, will speak about her grandmother, sculptor and musician Mona Martinsen Neihardt. A collection of Mona Martinsen Neihardt's art work and personal family items will be on display.
The John G. Neihardt Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 344, Bancroft NE 68004
(402) 648-3388 or (800) 777-4667
Saturday May 4th through Tuesday May 7th
Editors Linda M. Hasselstrom, Nancy Curtis and Gaydell Collier will be conducting readings and discussions of the western women's anthology "Woven on the Wind" which is now available in paperback. Contributors to both anthologies ("Leaning into the Wind" and "Woven") are invited to attend and read from their work.
May 4 (Saturday) -- 7:30pm
Huntley Project Museum of Irrigated Agriculture
on the campus of the MSU Southern Ag Research Center, three miles east of Huntley MT on Highway 312
Potluck supper followed by a book reading.
May 5 (Sunday) -- 3pm
Public Auction Yards, inside the sale ring
17th Street and Minnesoata Ave, Billings MT
Public reading.
The Writer's Voice of the Billings Family YMCA
402 North 32nd St, Billings MT 59101
(406) 248-1685
May 6 (Monday) -- 12 noon to 1pm
Miles Community College Library
2715 Dickinson St., Miles City MT
Reading for students, faculty and the public. Lunch to follow.
May 6 (Monday) -- 7pm
Custer County Art Center
1/2 mile west of downtown Miles City on Main St, turn north on Waterplant Road
Reading free and open to the public, free-will donations accepted.
Beth Wiedeman at Miles Community College, e-mail at: wiedemanb@po.mcc.cc.mt.us
Or Mark Browning at Custer County Art Center, e-mail at: ccartc@midrivers.com
May 7 (Tuesday) -- 4pm
Powder River County Library
101 South Lincoln, Broadus MT
Reading, open to the public, potluck reception to follow.
Julie Riley at work: (406) 436-2424 or home: (406) 554-3526 or e-mail at powder@rangeweb.net
Or Powder River County Library at (406) 436-2812
Linda's Previous 2002 Engagements:
Survival Strategies for Women Ranchers:
From Sudden Inheritance to Financial Management to Day-to-Day Coping Skills
Wednesday, January 30 -- 9am-5pm
This workshop will comprise two panel discussions. The first will deal with issues encountered by women ranchers. Many women find themselves unexpectedly in charge of the ranch - after divorce or the death or disability of a husband or father. The challenges they face are often compounded by their having been sheltered from the real goings-on of the ranch. Panelists will include Linda Hasselstrom, who expected to inherit the family ranch but instead had to buy it from her mother after being disinherited by her father; Nancy Curtis, president of Johnson Ranches, Inc, .in Wyoming; Curtis's daughter, Wendy Curtis Palen, a lawyer; Gaydell Collier, who took over the running of the ranch when her husband became an invalid; and others. Narrvel Hall, a Utah lawyer who specializes in taxes and estates, will also be a panelist. The panelists will discuss, from their own experiences, how a woman ranch boss can maintain the health of both the ranch and the family, and they will review advice they were given and the advice they themselves would now give on financial management, including estate planning; on mineral rights; on development; and on loans. They will also discuss legal issues, including how they have dealt with lawyers, new neighbors, rights-of-way, and eminent domain. Narrvel Hall will answer specific questions and clarify legal aspects of the discussion.
The second panel will feature stories from panelists illustrating practical knowledge of ranch work, including tips on accomplishing difficult physical tasks and managing personnel, along with veterinary and mechanical suggestions. Audience members will be asked to bring a note card with one or two practical tips to help women ranchers, to be shared and discussed. The same panelists from the morning session will appear and will be joined by other working women ranchers.
"Woven on the Wind" reading and panel discussion
Thursday, January 31 -- 3:30pm-4:30pm
The three editors (Linda M. Hasselstrom, Nancy Curtis and Gaydell Collier) and six contributors to this second western rural women's anthology in the "Wind" series will read excepts from the book and conduct a panel discussion of the issues raised. A book-signing will follow immediately after.
Western Folklife Center
website: www.westernfolklife.org
phone: (775) 738-7508 or toll-free (888) 880-5885
call (888) 880-5885 or (775) 738-2000
e-mail tbaer@westernfolklife.org
or write to Cowboy Poetry Gathering Tickets
Western Folklife Center, 501 Railroad Street, Elko NV 89801
And do it soon! Motel rooms in Elko are often reserved a year in advance for this event.
Thursday, April 18 -- 7:30pm
Student Center Ballroom
Linda will present a talk entitled "Love Song to the Plains" at the Mari Sandoz Center in Chadron, Nebraska, as part of the Distinguished Lecture series.
Friday, April 19 -- 11:45 through 1pm
Linda will read from her work in conjunction with a luncheon.
Don Green, Dean of Liberal Arts
Chadron State College, 100 Main Street, Chadron NE 69337
(308) 432-6276
Sunday, April 21st and Monday, April 22nd
Linda M. Hasselstrom (Humanities Scholar) and Gaydell Collier, both co-editors of LEANING INTO THE WIND and WOVEN ON THE WIND, will host book readings by local area contributors and conduct book discussions at the following public libraries. These events are offered in association with the SD Humanities Council programs that run through the months of March and April and are open to the public and free of charge. Dr. Judy Sneller, Humanities Scholar, will be monitoring the programs.
Sunday, April 21st -- Rapid City -- 2:00 to 3:30pm
Rapid City Public Library, 610 Quincy Street
Monday, April 22nd -- Hill City -- 1:00 to 2:30pm
Hill City Public Library, 324 Main Street
Monday, April 22nd -- Wall -- 7:00 to 8:30pm
First Western Bank, 418 Main Street
Hospitality Room -- use the back entrance
Terri Davis, Public Services Manager, Rapid City Public Library
(605) 394-6139, ext 223 or davis@sdln.net
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2001 Past Events
JANUARY 28, 2001
“Sun & Sage” – 7 pm – G3 Bar
This evening show in the intimate, in-the-round theater was the first live show of the 17th Cowboy Poetry Gathering. Linda and poet Paul Zarzyski of Montana recited poetry between songs by Tom Perlman.
JANUARY 29 through 31, 2001
“Slingin’ Ink and English” – 8 am until noon – Convention Center
Linda conducted a workshop in writing prose. Her advice to prospective students in this workshop (who do not have to be cowboy – or girl – poets), “Bring ideas or drafts of essays and writing tools. Also bring a thesaurus, a dictionary, and, if your grammar ain’t perfect, “The Elements of Style” by Strunk and White. A printer or typewriter would be useful but is not required. Mornings will be spent in discussion and revision, students will write in the afternoons. Each writer should graduate with a solid draft of an essay and take home considerable information to study later.” To supplement in-class discussion, Linda used handouts on such subjects as what constitutes good writing, examples, how to write a memoir, prose rules, reading for writers, resources for writers, how to revise, how to comment usefully on someone else’s work, and related topics.
FEBRUARY 2, 2001
“Twilight Trail” – 7 pm and 9 pm – Convention Center Auditorium
Linda and cowboy poet Leon Flick performed their poems between musical performances by songwriter and singer Glenn Ohrlin, and the Sons of the San Joaquin, a rocking bunch of cowboys indeed.
Between shows at the Cowboy Poetry Gathering, attendees could visit the bookstore in the Convention Center, where they found Linda’s books and her book on tape, the complete “Bitter Creek Junction” read by Linda – along with hundreds of tapes, books and other merchandise from other cowboy poets.
call (888) 880-5885 or (775) 738-2000
e-mail tbaer@westernfolklife.org
or write to Cowboy Poetry Gathering Tickets
Western Folklife Center, 501 Railroad Street, Elko NV 89801
And do it soon! Motel rooms in Elko are often reserved a year in advance for this event.
MARCH 3 THROUGH 4, 2001 – Denver Merchandise Mart
Linda assisted Nancy Curtis at the High Plains Press booth at the festival, and was available to sign books or discuss publishing opportunities or retreats. Linda and her co-editors, Gaydell Collier and Nancy Curtis, conducted a panel discussion entitled "Western Women and Friendship," in association with their new anthology “Woven on the Wind: Women Write about Friendship in the Sagebrush West,” a collection of writings by 148 women from sixteen High Plains states and two Canadian provinces.
APRIL 9, 2001 – 7 pm – Billings, Montana
Linda will meet with a book club to discuss her book “Feels Like Far.”
APRIL 10, 2001 – THROUGHOUT THE DAY – Billings, Montana
Linda will participate in newspaper, radio and television interviews all day, possibly including a call-in show discussion such issues as community in the western High Plains, the creative process, Western identity, environmental issues, freedom, and sustainability.
APRIL 10, 2001 – 7:30 pm – Billings, Montana
Linda will present a public reading of her work at the Western Heritage Center.
APRIL 11, 2001 – NOON – Miles City, Montana
Linda will talk with students and faculty at the Miles City Community College.
APRIL 11, 2001 – 7:30 pm – Miles City, Montana
Linda will present a public reading of her work at the Custer County Art Center.
call (406) 248-1685
or contact Corby Skinner or Laila Nelson
The Writer’s Voice, Billings Family YMCA, 402 North 32nd Street, Billings MT 59101
APRIL 21, 2001 - Sam Noble Special Events Center
Linda will receive the coveted Wrangler bronze award in literature for her book of poetry, "Bitter Creek Junction" (High Plains Press, 2000) at this black-tie affair. Winners in 15 categories in literature, film, television and music, plus inductees into the Hall of Great Westerners and the Hall of Great Western Performers also will be recognized.
website www.nationalcowboymuseum.org
call (405) 478-2250 or FAX 405-478-4714
e-mail lyndahaller@nationalcowboymuseum.org
or contact Lynda Haller, Director of Public Relations
1700 Northeast 63rd Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73111
May 5, 2001 - 1 pm through 2:45 pm - Tattered Cover Book Store
June 1 through 3, 2001
“Let it Begin with the Land: Editing Anthologies by Western Women” with Gaydell Collier and Nancy Curtis “Eighty percent of Success: Using a Journal to Benefit Your Writing” “You Can’t Divorce a Book: Autobiographical Writing”
contact Dan Kirkbride at (307) 422-3377
or write to Wyoming Writers, Inc. PO Box 37, Chugwater WY 82210
or contact Susan Vittitow, WWI president, at (307)772-0733 or e-mail at suvittit@wyoming.com
PLEASE NOTE: Wyoming Writers, Inc., has moved its June 1-3 conference from Riverton to the Casper Holiday Inn after a fire destroyed a substantial part of the Riverton Holiday Inn Convention Center. All scheduled conference events, workshops and pricing will remain the same. Additional charges for late registration after May 15 have been waived. Conference accommodations are available at the Casper Holiday Inn, (877) 576-8636. Anyone who has already made reservations at the Riverton Holiday Inn should cancel them at (877) 857-4834.
July 30 -- Monday
Evening reading & book signing (6 to 9 pm)
Copperfield Books, Monument Mall, suite 8, 2302 Frontage Road, Scottsbluff NE 69361
Gary Adams at (800) 658-4249 or (308) 632-3000 or e-mail at books@scottsbluff.net
July 31 -- Tuesday
Evening reading & booksigning (5 to 7 pm)
Plains Trading Company, 269 N. Main Street, Valentine NE 69201
Duane Gudgel and Darlene Meyer at (800) 439-8640 or (402) 376-1424 or e-mail at ptcbooks@inetnebr.com
August 1 -- Wednesday
Evening reading & booksigning (7:30 pm)
Zandbroz Variety, 209 S. Phillips Ave., Sioux Falls SD 57104
Jeff Danz at (800) 352-6697 or (605) 331-5137 or e-mail at zandbroz@dtgnet.com
August 2 -- Thursday
Afternoon booksigning ( 2 to 4 pm)
Codington Co Heritage Museum, 27 1st Avenue SE (across from the Courthouse), Watertown SD 57201
Evening program: reading & discussion (7 pm)
Past Times Coffee House & Deli, 16 W. Kemp Ave., Watertown SD 57201
Tim Hoheisel at (605) 886-7335 or e-mail at cchs@dailypost.com
Or Past Times Coffee House at (605) 882-5813
August 3 -- Friday
Evening reading & booksigning (7 pm)
Zandbroz Variety, 420 Broadway, Fargo ND 58102
Greg Danz at (800) 808-4833 or (701) 239-4729 or e-mail at gdanz@corpcomm.net
August 4 -- Saturday
Afternoon reading & discussion & booksigning (1 to 3 pm)
Barnes & Noble, 565 S. 7th Street, Bismarck ND 58504
Tessa Seibel at (701) 224-1300
Saturday, Sept 15th -- 3:15pm - 3:45pm
Linda is scheduled to sign copies of "Woven on the Wind" on the floor of the exhibit hall.
Oregon Convention Center
777 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
Portland, Oregon
PLEASE NOTE: The Convention Center is just off of I-5 at Exit 302A. Unfortunately, the Oregon Dept of Transportation is planning to close that part of the freeway on Friday night, Sept 14 at 10pm for repairs. If you are arriving Saturday, you may want to take an alternate route. From I-84 into Portland, take the Lloyd Blvd exit, which takes you directly to the Center.
September 21st -- 3 to 5 pm
"Woven on the Wind" co-editors Linda Hasselstrom, Gaydell Collier, and Nancy Curtis will be joined by local contributors for a reading/signing at Chickering Bookstore in downtown Laramie. The celebration of women's friendship will include readings from "Woven on the Wind" and "Leaning into the Wind," discussion of the issues raised by the books, a book signing, and refreshments. The co-editors will also be making an announcement about the next book in the "Wind" series and distributing a call for manuscripts.
FOR MORE INFORMATION call (307) 742-8609
October 19 through 21
Winners of the Willa Literary Awards will be announced at the annual Women Writing the West Conference in Denver at the Brown Palace Hotel, Oct. 19-21. Semifinalists for the Willas include Linda Hasselstrom in poetry, and Julene Bair and Carolina Marwitz in memoir/essay. Following registration on Friday, conference attendees get together at the Brown Palace featuring a "Gala of Poets." The festivities then move to Denver's Tattered Cover Bookstore where celebrities read from selected Willa finalist books. A wine and cheese reception with signings by attending authors will follow the readings. Saturday's agenda features panels and discussions on: "Why We Keep Writing," "Non-Fiction Books from Start to Finish," and "Pros and Cons of Starting Your Own Publishing Company." Winners of the Willa Literary Awards will be announced at the Saturday evening banquet.
contact Sybil Downing at sybilsd@aol.com
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